Vol. 9 No. 8 (2024): Published

Table of Contents

Open Access
Research Articles
by Wahyudi Rahmat, Refa Lina Tiawati, Kundharu Saddhono, Emil Septia, Yulia Sri Hartati, Indriani Nisja, Suci Dwinitia, Zulfitri yani, Lira Hayu Afdetis Mana
2024,9(8);    310 Views
Abstract Through the BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) program, Indonesian has become one of the world's most important languages. The phenomenon of international students speaking Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) is fascinating. It will be interesting to see how they express themselves through their ability to speak Indonesian. This study takes a psychopragmatic approach to the expressive speech acts of BIPA international students at Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat. The uniqueness of the students' expressions was the impetus for this study, as they are not native Indonesian speakers. This study examines their expressive language concerning their psychological characteristics. Expressive speech acts serve as visual representations of their language adaptation. This study aims to characterize students' expressive utterances while they are learning. The data is gathered via document analysis and in-depth interviews. The data are analyzed through repeated reading and context focusing on the material. The findings indicated that BIPA's learning materials contain indigenous and Indonesian content and that the language of communication used in the materials is Indonesian. The study discovered that students used expressive speech acts to convey gratitude, praise, happiness, and difficulty.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Thanuja Villalan, Mohan Subramaniyan, Rajesh Elangovan, Satyanarayana Parayitam
2024,9(8);    490 Views
Abstract This study investigates the effect of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on online purchase intention, brand image, online buying behavior, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention. We developed and tested a conceptual model using data collected from 521 respondents in a developing country. After verifying the survey instrument's psychometric properties by using the Smart PLS package of structural equation modelling (SEM), a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test hypothesized relationships. The results indicate that (a) eWOM has a positive significant effect on online purchase intention and brand image, (b) online purchase intention and brand image are positively associated with online buying behavior, and (c) online buying behavior is positively associated with customer satisfaction, which, in turn, is related to repurchase intention. The findings also suggest that social media involvement increases the strength of the positive effect of eWOM and brand image.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Rommel AlAli, Yousef Wardat
2024,9(8);    453 Views
Abstract This study explores the intricate relationship between mathematical literacy skills and self-efficacy within a high school learning environment in the United Arab Emirates. Focusing on 20 grade 8 students, the research employs a qualitative descriptive approach, integrating mathematical literacy assessments, self-efficacy surveys, and interviews. The findings reveal a strong correlation between high self-efficacy and advanced mathematical literacy, while moderate self-efficacy corresponds to intermediate proficiency levels. Conversely, low self-efficacy is linked to lower mathematical literacy. Notably, some students display moderate mathematical proficiency despite varying levels of self-efficacy. These insights provide a nuanced understanding of how self-efficacy influences mathematical literacy and suggest strategies to enhance mathematical proficiency in educational settings. One practical implication of this study is the recommendation for educators to implement interventions designed to boost self-efficacy, such as positive feedback and growth mindset training, to improve overall mathematical literacy.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Andrew Ebekozien, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Clinton Aigbavboa, Wellington Didibhuku Thwala, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan, Nor Malina Malek, Maslina Mohamed Shaed, Faith Osaremen Emuchay
2024,9(8);    268 Views
Abstract Cybercrime activities are fast-growing and threatening critical sectors, including the built environment industry (BEI). This may threaten achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). Cyber attackers may attack the industry more if measures are not taken to manage cybercrime activities in industrial innovation and infrastructure development. Developing a framework to manage cybercrime may improve BEI’s cybersecurity and, by extension, improve achieving Goal 9 is pertinent. Thus, the study explores the root causes and identifies the information necessary to develop a Nigerian BEI cybersecurity framework for managing cybercrime to improve achieving Goal 9. Given the unexplored issues in Nigeria, twenty-eight experts were selected from Abuja and Lagos. The study achieved saturation. The interviewees were experts in cybercrime in the BEI. The study’s data were coded and analysed using a thematic method. Findings show that human-related sources are the major root cause of the Nigerian BEI’s cyberattack. Five key variables emerged as the information required to develop a BEI cybersecurity framework for managing cybercrime. The rapid construction digitalisation and administrative operations into cyberspaces have enhanced cyberattacks. This study raises awareness about cybersecurity implications and promotes cybersecurity framework management adaption, especially in Nigeria’s built environment industry, to improve achieving Goal 9.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wibowo Setyo, Najib Mukhamad, Sumarwan Ujang, Asnawi Yudha
2024,9(8);    311 Views
Abstract This study aims to develop a multidimensional scale to measure subjective norms in green consumption, incorporating both specific and general social pressures, to address the limitations of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which traditionally focuses on specific reference groups. This exploratory study incorporates a pilot study with 200 participants and a main investigation with 300 participants, all chosen with a purposive sampling technique. The study's participants were consumers aged 18 and older who had prior experience in purchasing coffee, were aware of organic coffee, and were deliberating about purchasing organic coffee products. Analysis techniques included item-to-total correlation, Cronbach's alpha, and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). In the conducted pilot and main studies, the developed scale, comprising 14 items, exhibited robust reliability and validity. The findings elucidate that subjective norms influencing green consumption are informed by both significant social networks and broader societal trends, thus offering an exhaustive delineation of the determinants that influence environmentally sustainable behaviors. Practical recommendations were articulated for both retailers and governmental entities aiming to foster organic coffee consumption. These include the strategic enhancement of marketing initiatives to highlight the communal endorsement of organic coffee by both specific and general social collectives, along with the formulation of policies and incentives that promote organic agriculture and sustainable practices. By integrating a broad spectrum of social influences, the scale development introduced in this study advances the understanding of consumer behavior and sustainability.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Li Zhang
2024,9(8);    202 Views
Abstract Leveraging the upper echelons theory, this paper investigates how CEOs' foreign experiences influence the digital strategic transformation of Chinese firms. The findings suggest a positive correlation between CEOs' foreign experiences and digital transformation. The firm's financialization has a negative moderating effect, while CEO duality and the presence of pressure-resistant institutional investors offer positive moderation. Notably, while financialization dampens digital innovation, pressure-resistant investors counter managerial short-sightedness, thus favoring digital transformation. CEO duality, on the other hand, ensures decisive and swift decision-making. Further analysis differentiates the impact of foreign work experiences from learning experiences on transformation, with the former showing a more significant effect. Interestingly, these effects predominantly apply to state-owned firms and those with fewer financing constraints. These insights extend the upper echelons theory, offering guidance on CEO selection and digital transformation strategies. In this study, the mean of CEOs' foreign experience and the data lagged by one period are selected as exogenous instrumental variables, and the two-stage least squares and PSM methods are utilized to deal with the endogeneity problem; meanwhile, the conclusions are still robust after the robustness test is conducted by adding control variables and carrying out one period ahead of the explanatory variables.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Song Zhao, Bing Liu
2024,9(8);    110 Views
Abstract The economic advancement in China has significantly boosted the development of the fitness industry, resulting in increased demand for  service and quality from fitness training institutions . While expectations for fitness trainers have risen, customer misconduct has become more evident, negatively impacting fitness trainer behaviors. This study aims to explore the factors influencing emotional exhaustion among fitness trainers, including customer misconduct and role stress. Using a quantitative approach, this study selected and surveyed 728 trainers from 364 fitness clubs in China, obtaining 672 valid samples to study the relationships among variables. The findings indicate that customer misconduct has a significant positive impact on both role stress and emotional exhaustion. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between role stress and emotional exhaustion, while role stress mediates the effects of customer misconduct on emotional exhaustion. This study highlights the importance of addressing the emotional health of fitness trainers in fitness clubs. It suggests the need for adequate recruitment and assessment training interventions to empower trainers to manage customer misconduct, release  stress ,  and consequently improve trainers ’  psychological state. Th ese measures aim to reduce the occurrence of misconduct and raise the overall service level of the industry. It is important to note that the sample of this study is limited to fitness clubs in major cities in China. Therefore, the conclusions may not be generally applicable to rural fitness club contexts.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hafiz Muhammad Hafeez, Azizul Yadi Yaakop, Taimoor Ahmed, Noureen Fatima, Ali Haider
2024,9(8);    196 Views
Abstract The purpose of this research is to help companies enhance the efficacy of their green marketing by presenting novel green marketing strategies that align with present environmental trends. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in sustainable consumption, which has led to several inquiries into the green gap phenomenon. To bridge the knowledge gap, this study concentrates on cutting-edge methods of green marketing that align with environmental trends and help companies increase the efficacy of their green marketing initiatives. Consequently, to address the managerial implications of the six unique concepts—green authenticity, green self-efficacy, green experiential satisfaction, green passionate love, and green perseverance intentions—a study framework must be established. Public Limited universities in Rawalpindi and Islamabad were the sites of research that put the idea of a green university into practice. Both students and teachers were considered for this survey. Using a structured questionnaire, 323 answers were collected. A total of 323 students from various academic backgrounds filled out the survey, with 90 of them people being faculty members. The research's measurement and structural framework were examined using SmartPLS, and the results demonstrate that all six hypotheses were significant. The relationship between positive experiences with green things and plans to keep doing green is being moderated, in part, by green self-efficacy.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Changhua He, Norliana Hashim, Syafila Kamarudin, Mengyao Yu, Lijun Shi
2024,9(8);    430 Views
Abstract Objective: This study aims to explore how streamers' characteristics affect consumers' purchase intentions in e-commerce live streaming. Speci fically, the study examines this relationship through the mediating role of emotional responses. Design/Methods: The study sample included 325 e-commerce live streaming consumers from Guangzhou, the most developed city in China for the e-commerce live streaming industry. Random sampling was used in a questionnaire survey to obtain data, while the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) were employed to verify the research hypotheses. Findings: The characteristics of streamers in e-commerce live streaming directly and indirectly impact consumers' purchase intentions. Streamers' characteristics also partially mediate consumers' purchase intentions through emotional responses. Additionally, the results support the mediation model. Practical Significance: The results revealed that the role of streamers is vital in e-commerce live streaming. Furthermore, streamers' professionalism, trustworthiness, and attractiveness significantly affect consumers' purchase intentions. The findings will aid merchants in choosing the right streamers and provide direction for live streaming, improving the professionalism, trustworthiness, and attractiveness of streamers, and increasing sales during live streaming. Originality/Value: The present study contributes to the existing literature by explaining how streamers' characteristics relate to consumers' purchase intentions. The study also examined the mediating processes, thereby promoting an understanding of how consumers' emotional responses influence their purchase intentions.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wu Jiamei, Shureen Faris Binti ABD Shukor, Mohd Fabian Bin Hasna, Mohd Najmi Daud
2024,9(8);    213 Views
Abstract The present  study delves into  the artistic preferences of retired seniors regarding  Chinese freehand painting by applying the Nominal Group Technique (NGT). While Chinese freehand brush painting boasts a rich historical tradition, little is known about the specific tastes of retired seniors who possess ample free time and maintain strong cultural ties. Utilizing NGT, a systematic brainstorming process, the study engaged retired senior citizens residing in China to solicit their insights. The findings underscore a pronounced  interest in the floral motifs in freehand-painted flower and bird scenes . Additionally, participants displayed a fondness for particular  aspects of Chinese freehand paintings, characterized  by the expression of intense emotions, subtle yet  elegant color palettes , and a simple brushstroke technique. This study advocates for integrating  traditional art in therapeutic settings to enrich  the quality of life for seniors. It offer s valuable insights into the artistic preferences of this specific demographic, shedding light on how art can resonate with their sensibilities.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Johan Fahri
2024,9(8);    4415 Views
Abstract Consumer behavior nowadays is founded on market developments, one of which is the existence of the modern market, which has become idolized by the populace and causes customers’ desire to continue to be spoilt. Therefore, consumers may now shop in modern marketplaces that offer a safer, more pleasant environment and choose products that fulfill their wants and preferences instead of going to stinky, hot markets to meet their needs. These conditions highlight the different situational contexts on how people intend to buy goods. This research examines and explores factors leading to buying decisions in traditional markets. This model was retested in traditional markets since two national retail brands opened in Ternate City, North Maluku Province, Indonesia. Mixed methods were used in this research, by firstly emplyoying a multiple regression analysis that was used for the quantitative approach; and then followed by using grounded theory method to explore the variables perceived by the shoppers. The findings show that while service quality, brand image, and product quality are found to significantly impact buying decisions, price and store atmosphere show a contrasting pattern, indicating a negative and insignificant influence. The qualitative analysis emphasizes the unique characteristics of traditional markets, highlighting their reputation for offering fresher products at lower prices despite being less convenient. It is suggested for traditional markets to focus on improving service quality, brand image, and product quality while addressing perceptions of price and store atmosphere. Highlight unique selling points like fresher products and a vibrant market experience to stay competitive is also necessary. Due to a limited number of the studied traditional markets, more ones should included in future research.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Aishwarya Iyer, Alphonsa Jose K
2024,9(8);    645 Views
Abstract Scientists have called for a culturally relevant investigation of factors impacting public climate concern to devise relevant behavioural and policy interventions. Although India will be adversely affected by climate change, there is a shortage of models that track changes in Indian climate concern across time. The study tracked the growth of climate concern from 2006 to 2020 and identifies determinants of personal and societal climate concern. Secondary analyses of survey data from the International Science Survey and World Values Survey (2006-2020, N = 9254), were conducted to predict climate concern across the year, environmental protection versus economic growth preferences, and socio-demographic variables. Within responses from 2020 (N = 3176), the predictive role of anthropogenic climate change beliefs, trust in scientists, adequate government action, collective efficacy, environmental protection preferences, and sociodemographic variables were evaluated to understand personal and societal climate concern.  Binary logistic regression found that climate concern increased significantly from 2006 (2.6%) to 2020 (89.5%) and was predicted by education and preferences for environmental protection. Multiple regression results identified personal climate concern as predicted by education, anthropogenic climate change beliefs, trust in scientists, and environmental protection preferences; while government action beliefs and favouring left-wing affiliation predicted societal climate concern. There was mixed support for the political polarization of climate concern. The study shows an increase in Indian climate change concern over the past decade, with personal and societal climate concern being influenced by different psychological characteristics. Important implications for future climate communication research and social policy development are discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jhordan T. Cuilan, Jason V. Chavez, Kristel Joy G. Soliva, Shania H. Jaafar, Kaiser Isham S. Savellon, Edwin M. Tantalie, Salman E. Albani
2024,9(8);    880 Views
Abstract This article studies the verbal and non-verbal communication patterns of persuasive selling among live online sellers in Zamboanga City. The success of businesses can depend on the communication strategies use by entrepreneurs in the online platforms particularly the online live sellers. Live online sellers use both verbal and non-verbal communication to effectively persuade their audience. Verbal communication involves language, tone, and speech patterns, while non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact. Using purposive sampling method, this study found important findings through the lens of 20 online entrepreneurs doing online live selling. The thematic analysis shows that these online sellers use storytelling, emotional appeals, and testimonials to engage their audience and build trust. Active listening skills help tailor their pitches to customer needs. Non-verbal communication, such as confident postures, eye contact, and hand gestures, is crucial for establishing credibility and connecting with their audience. Mastering these techniques can help persuade potential customers and increase sales in the competitive e-commerce market. Understanding these communication patterns is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs in the digital marketplace. Recommendation for future research and tips to existing and aspiring online sellers are discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hyeryn Yu, Heejung Chun
2024,9(8);    149 Views
Abstract High school students often encounter competitive learning environments of which they can influence their achievement goal orientation and academic social comparison emotions. This study investigates potential patterns of achievement goal orientation and academic social comparison emotions among high school students in competitive learning environments. A total of 397 South Korean high school students participated in this study. Adopting the person-centered approach, latent profile analysis was employed, and the selected class model was validated by comparing grades and self-esteem across identified classes using the BCH method. This study identified six distinct classes of which three profiles (first, third, fourth classes) had similar configurations but different profile levels, which fit the features of multiple goals. The second and sixth classes presented elevated performance goals and contrast emotions. Lastly, the fifth class exhibited a separate configuration, which had elevated mastery-approach goals and assimilation emotions. Analysis of outcome measures revealed that classes with elevated performance goals showed low self-esteem despite relatively high academic grades. It revealed that in competitive learning environments, performance goals were found to co-occur with contrast emotions in academic social comparison, while mastery goals co-occurred with assimilation emotions. This implies that those who endorse mastery goals tend to see themselves as similar to the comparison target, while those who endorse performance goals tend to see themselves dissimilar to the comparison target. This finding warrants further exploration to understand the underlying mechanisms. This study recommends supporting mastery-approach goals in competitive learning environments.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kier P. Dela Calzada
2024,9(8);    1385 Views
Abstract The anti-dependency teaching strategy aims to prepare technology-based students for the evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI). Instead of teaching students to be passive users of technology, it pushes them to become active producers and problem solvers. By cultivating creativity, critical thinking abilities, and a growth mentality, this approach equips students to use AI as a tool for innovation. It explores the potential of AI while acknowledging its limitations and ethical implications through project-based learning, interdisciplinary methodologies, and real-world applications. In order to promote an innovative culture and group problem-solving, it also integrates collaborative learning environments. The approach places a strong emphasis on adaptation and ongoing learning, keeping students abreast of developments in artificial intelligence and related fields. The study's respondents were twenty-four (24) instructors of technology-based disciplines with creative elements. By putting this plan into practice, educators can give students the knowledge and perspective they need to effectively navigate the AI era,  producing a new generation of creative thinkers who can transform society for the better.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Mercibelle A. Del Mundo, Erwin F. Delos Reyes, Ellen M. Gervacio, Raponzel B. Manalo, Renz Jervy A. Book, Jason V. Chavez, Marcelino M. Espartero, Darwisa S. Sayadi
2024,9(8);    901 Views
Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) could encourage simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include reasoning, learning, problem-solving, perception, understanding natural language, and even decision-making. Previous studies noted the importance of assessing the use of technology in education considering its potential implications in the student’s learning and development processes. Hence, this study explored the potential implications of AI particularly in science, mathematics, and technical-vocational education. Educators (n=20) were purposively sampled to be interviewed about their experiences in using AI in their classrooms. The findings suggested a positive perception of generative AI among educators, with many acknowledging its potential to enhance educational practices and outcomes especially in aiding the understanding science concepts, facilitating analytical skills development, and personalizing learning experiences. However, alongside their positive perceptions, educators expressed concerns about potential drawbacks associated with AI use in education. These concerns included the risk of overreliance, plagiarism, and inaccuracies in AI-generated content. To mitigate these negative impacts, educators emphasized the importance of implementing effective policies and guidelines for AI use in classrooms such as guiding students on ethical use, ensuring transparency in AI tool usage, and establishing clear instructions for ethical AI utilization. Transparency emerged as a key theme, with educators emphasizing the need for transparency regarding students' outputs and the extent of AI use. This study calls for further analysis about the level of acceptance of educators in AI use and assess its impacts on students’ short-term and long-term learning outcomes.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lorna B. Carpio, Anna Lizza S. Caburnay, Shirley M. Nolledo, Claire A. Ongchua, Jocelyn A. Orquia
2024,9(8);    614 Views
Abstract Simulation provides a safe environment for nursing students to make mistakes, learn from them, and refine their skills without risking human patients. Simulation facilitates active, hands-on learning experiences that engage students in realistic patient care scenarios. Simulation often involves interdisciplinary collaboration, allowing nursing students to work alongside other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, pharmacists, and respiratory therapists. This qualitative exploratory study analyzed the confidence and apprehensions of nursing instructors (n=12) from Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) about integrating simulation for training and education. Through one-on-one interviews, findings indicated that while many expressed confidences in using simulation equipment, citing exposure during their academic and on-the-job training, others harbored concerns about instructional performance due to factors like limited resources and technical issues. WMSU instructors experienced enactive attainment which influences their self-efficacy in delivering quality simulation activities to their students. However, the study underscored the importance of addressing apprehensions related to technical issues and resource constraints. By providing adequate support systems, faculty development programs, and fostering a supportive social environment, institutions can empower nursing instructors to overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of simulation-based education in preparing future healthcare professionals.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Vladislava Lendzhova, Valentina Milenkova, Albena Nakova, Emilia Chengelova
2024,9(8);    684 Views
Abstract Background: The concept of youth not in education, training, and employment (NEET) is a relatively new popular concept. Its popularity is largely due to the fact that it takes into consideration different vulnerabilities such as unemployment and early school leaving, which are common among young people. The complexity of labour markets due to digitalization and globalisation has led to increased vulnerability for young people, particularly those aged 25-29. Bulgarian social policy often overlooks this group, who entered the labour market after the 2008 financial crisis, leading to unemployment or unstable employment. Our study aims to contribute to the successful integration of NEETs aged 25-29 into the labour market through increasing knowledge of relevant employment initiatives that have been implemented in Bulgaria. Specifically, it focuses on how these services are provided to young people living in rural areas. The main research question guiding this study is: “How can Public Employment Services (PES) effectively address youth unemployment and support vulnerable youths and rural NEETs in Bulgaria?” Research methodology: The methodology is based on qualitative information gathered from public employment offices in rural areas and a survey of national PES offices in the country. We combined qualitative data thematic analysis with its quantitative examination (e.g. descriptive and reliability statistics; correspondence analysis) to identify similarity/difference patterns among studied cases. Conclusions: A key conclusion from our study concerning NEETs (especially those with vulnerable backgrounds) is that many young people in the country might not have trust in public institutions such as the PES. They often need face-to-face personal contact with a person who can speak in a more informal manner. This is why cooperation with other service providers is fundamental.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wang Xiaoyang, Roshayati Abdul Hamid, Noor Azuan Hashim, Lokhman Hakim Osman
2024,9(8);    136 Views
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study how project management contributes to the improvement of business efficiency in China, since project management apply a series of scientific management theories and methods which can plan and organize the project in advance and ensure the maximization of the value of resource utilization. Through a face-to-face survey or questionnaires of 132 Chinese entrepreneurs, the survey results reveal that most of the entrepreneurs in this study believe that project management is the management model of the future business. In other words, they believe that entrepreneurs have to learn and master the theory and method of project management, because project management can help entrepreneurs better run their enterprises and make business decisions.Our findings show that the application of project management in Chinese enterprises is still in its infancy. The implications of project management capability and policy making are also presented.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Bharti Aggarwal, Deepa Kapoor, Pooja Goel
2024,9(8);    290 Views
Abstract E-service quality and satisfaction with service quality provided by e-commerce websites have become prominent in the past few years because of the availability of a wide array of services in an online manner. The present study intends to identify trends and patterns in existing literature in the domains of e-services, e-service quality, and customer satisfaction. In pursuit of the same objective, the present study analyses past trends and suggests future agendas in the domain using bibliometric analysis. Based on an analysis of 252 publications extracted through the Scopus repository from 2001 to 2023, this study found that academic interest is growing yearly. Li, H., with five publications, is the most influential author in the domain. India has a strong bibliographic coupling with nations such as Malaysia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, with 22417 links. Through keyword co-occurrence analysis, three clusters were identified: e-service quality dimensions (red cluster), applications of e-service quality (green cluster), and outcomes of e-service quality (blue cluster). Lastly, a future research agenda has been presented for each cluster based on keyword co-occurrence analysis.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Nurshahira Ibrahim, Mohd Lokman Sapiee, Nurul Diyana Sanuddin, Tugba Erhan, Faridah Che Husain
2024,9(8);    221 Views
Abstract The progress of the world today makes people busy managing work, household, schooling and social activities. These commitments and daily activities cause some people to forget that their emotions, behavior and thoughts might be at a dangerous level. The awareness of one’s own emotions is so lacking in attention that emotional stress, chronic diseases and the occurrence of arguments with people occur. For those who are aware of their situation, they will start looking for help and psychological support so that to achieve a state of well-being. Therefore, this study aims to examine the interrelationship among emotional intelligence, happiness, and psychological well-being in counseling clients at a non-statutory body in Malaysia. A sample of 284 clients participated by completing a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using SmartPLS software to evaluate the content and test the research hypotheses. The analysis yielded several significant findings: Firstly, emotional intelligence is positively and significantly related to happiness. Secondly, happiness is positively and significantly related to psychological well-being. Thirdly, there is a positive and significant relationship among emotional intelligence, happiness, and psychological well-being. These results emphasize the crucial role of happiness as a mediating variable in the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being. Furthermore, this study provides valuable insights for organizational practitioners, elucidating the importance of emotional intelligence and happiness in enhancing psychological well-being. This study also provides new insights into managing clients’ abilities to control their emotions and develop happiness to achieve a prosperous life despite facing complex challenges.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Davey Young
2024,9(8);    568 Views
Abstract While general and special education teachers’ sentiments, attitudes, and concerns about inclusive education have been extensively researched in recent years, little is known about English language teachers’ views on inclusive education. This is a critical research gap, as students with disabilities can face many unique barriers to learning a foreign language compared to other subject areas, and teachers’ views on inclusive education impact their ability to teach inclusively. However, many English language teachers have reported feeling unprepared to teach students with disabilities. Using postsecondary English language teachers in Japan as a case, the present research employed a modified version of the Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised Scale (SACIE-R; N = 239). Respondents had a generally positive view of including students with disabilities in their instruction but were concerned about lacking knowledge and skills to teach inclusively and giving appropriate attention to all students in an inclusive classroom. Predictive factors included previous interactions with people with disabilities and inclusive practices self-efficacy, though both were overshadowed by the relationship that participation in pre- and in-service training to teach students with disabilities had with teachers’ views. The results have implications for how to best prepare English language teachers to teach inclusively, particularly as pertains to in-service training.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Sarah Michelle Frasco, Katerina Bockova, David Anthony Procházka, Viera Guzoňová
2024,9(8);    291 Views
Abstract The presented paper investigates the impact of a one-year yoga intervention on stress regulation among top tennis players. The participants in this study consist of 39 top tennis players who are members of the VICTORIA University Sports Centre of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The targeted tennis players integrated two 60-minute dynamic vinyasa yoga sessions each practice week into their normal tennis routines. This was designed to provide physical and mental benefits to athletes, focussing on stress regulation and improved focus. Assessments were performed before and after the intervention to determine changes in stress regulation, competition anxiety, and the accuracy of the service. To measure stress regulation, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Competition Anxiety Inventory for Tennis Players (CAI-T) were used. The accuracy of the tennis player’s service was evaluated quarterly. The evaluation of the data sets showed changes in the regulation of anxiety and stress of tennis players. Furthermore, a paired sample t-test showed a significant impact of the yoga intervention on stress regulation.  PSS scores showed a reduction, and also the CAI-T test scores showed a significant downward trend.  Service accuracy was improved. A paired t-test confirmed that this improvement is statistically significant. We can conclude that the yoga intervention increases tennis players’ performance and well-being. 
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Cuihong YAO, Alisha Ismail, Noor Azura Azman
2024,9(8);    138 Views
Abstract The board of directors, as the decision-making body of internal environmental governance, has an undeniable impact on corporate environmental performance (CEP). With the continuous improvement of women's status and the increasing emphasis on gender equality in society, the topic of the impact of board gender diversity on CEP has received more attention. The foundation of the study is built around the Resource Base Theory, which explores the impact of board gender diversity on CEP and constructs a research model of slack resources regulating board gender diversity and CEP. The study focuses on industrial enterprises in Guangdong Province, China, and uses the Partial Least Squares (PLS) structural equation model to analyze 478 collected enterprise data. Slack Resources is divided into absorbed slack and unabsorbed slack, and their moderating effects are tested separately. The research findings indicated that female directors have a significant positive impact on CEP, while the unabsorbed slack enhances the positive impact of female directors on CEP; in the same vein, the moderating effect of absorbed slack is not significant. The research findings suggest that it is necessary to determine which types of slack resources and female directors are being considered when discussing the impact of board gender diversity on CEP.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yuanlai Xin, Chun-Shuo Chen, Shujuan Tu
2024,9(8);    169 Views
Abstract Due to consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviors are influenced by different cultural and individual values. However, few research examines the influence of interpersonal harmony values in collective culture on sustainable consumption behaviors, especially combined with moral and ethical research. Referring to Values-Beliefs-Behavior Theory, this paper aims to construct a theoretical model to explore the impact of a dualistic model of harmony on sustainable consumption behavior. Meanwhile, the aims of this study is to explore the mediating effect of ethical evaluation on the relationship of different interpersonal harmony orientations on sustainable consumption behavior. The sample were selected the consumers who had lived in Chinese urban areas for at least the past six months and had experience using sustainable brands. A total of 800 online questionnaires were distributed and496 valid responses were recovered. The results reveal that two difference types of interpersonal harmony values positively influence sustainable consumption behavior, but the mediating role of ethical evaluation differs significantly between them. Specifically, harmony enhancement can activate consumers’ intrinsic moral beliefs, leading to sustainable consumption behavior. However, the intrinsic moral beliefs of consumers with disintegration avoidance are not directly activated, but they may still engage in sustainable consumption through other means. The findings of this study provide insights into how perceptions of interpersonal harmony values can transform into sustainable consumption behavior. Our research provides managers with advice, considering how to guide consumers to increase their harmony culture value and civic moral awareness in sustainable consumption.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih, Hassane Gharbi, Imed Zaiem, Nadir Aliane
2024,9(8);    308 Views
Abstract The growing interest in sustainable development and the increasing environmental awareness among environmentally conscious customers have prompted Tunisian export-oriented companies to adopt eco-friendly activities. This study examines how green human resources management (GHRM) and green organizational culture (GOC) influence green innovation (GI) in the Tunisian export-oriented textile and clothing industry. More specifically, the study examines the mediating effect of GOC in the link between GHRM and GI in Tunisia. Although there is existing literature on each of these factors individually, there has been no research that integrates them simultaneously, especially in Tunisian or similar contexts. Managers, who are the key decision makers were asked to fill in a questionnaire form using a pre-tested scale item. The findings of the structural model using AMOS-SEM analysis showed that both GOC and GI are significantly and positively affected by GHRM. Additionally, GOC is significantly and positively associated with GI. Furthermore, the findings confirmed that GOC partially mediates the link between GHRM and GI. Beyond its theoretical contribution, which confirms the interrelationship between these factors (GHRM, GOC and GI); the study offers practical implications for professionals, underlining the importance of a GOC in GI and overall organizational success.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wong Chee Hoo, Alex Hou Hong Ng, Ree Chan Ho, Zhu Ling, Manoch Prompanyo
2024,9(8);    153 Views
Abstract This study investigates the factors influencing tourists' revisit intention to eco homestays, focusing on tourist characteristics, social influence, accessibility convenience, and destination attributes. The research aims to understand how these variables interrelate and contribute to the likelihood of repeat visits.  This research utilizes the push and pull theory, a widely recognized framework for understanding the motivations that compel visitors to choose a specific destination and the types of activities and experiences they seek to enjoy. A survey using online questionnaire with convenience sampling were used to collect the data. A total of 385 young adults aged between 18 and 35 participated as the respondents for this research. This study employed the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software to analyze the data gathered and answered the hypothesis.  Findings showed that Tourist characteristics, social influence, accessibility convenience, and destination attributes have a significant relationship with revisit intention.  Social influence has the most significant relationship with revisit intention.  The strong relationship between social influence and revisit intention has crucial implications for businesses and academia, underscoring the importance of leveraging social networks and recommendations to enhance repeat tourism .
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ning Li, Hong-Yul Jeong, Kang Wang, Yuanxiao Xiang
2024,9(8);    102 Views
Abstract In the context of economic globalization, with the deepening of China's economic openness, a large amount of foreign capital inflows have not only brought about technological and management innovations, but also filled the funding gap for China's economic development. Especially, as a pillar industry of the national economy, the rapid development of China's real estate market has attracted a large amount of foreign investment. This study is based on data from 35 large and medium-sized cities in China, and deeply analyzes the impact and mechanism of housing prices on FDI inflows, providing theoretical support for the government to formulate relevant foreign investment policies. Research has shown a significant positive correlation between Chinese housing prices and FDI inflows. This study not only enriches the empirical evidence of emerging market research, but also provides more specific and representative analysis by focusing on urban clusters. In addition, this study further explores the role of foreign direct investment in the real estate industry through empirical testing, providing a new perspective for research in related fields.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kim Yew Lim, Sew Teng Yuen, Owee Kowang Tan, Phung Thai Minh Trang, Tippawan Lertatthakornkit, Poh Kiong Tee
2024,9(8);    420 Views
Abstract The widespread use of social media platforms, such as TikTok has caused a drastic change in the way that consumers behave in the modern world. During this change, TikTok has become a significant influencer, influencing the thoughts and tastes of a wide range of people. This study aims to examine the relationships between social media engagement,  health awareness, perceived price fairness and the purchase intention on healthcare products via Tik Tok in Malaysia. This study employs survey questionnaire via the use of convenience sampling techniques to collect data and SPSS for Data Analysis. This  study comprises of 385 sample sizes. The results show a significant relationship between social media engagement, health awareness, price fairness and the purchase intention on healthcare products via Tik Tok. From theoretical implication aspect, this research provided empirical support for the hypothesis that there are predictive links between health awareness, price fairness, social media engagement, with the purchase intention. While from practical aspect, the results of the study have important significance for the healthcare products of small and medium entrepreneurs’ future business growth.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xiaobin Ren, Boyuan Li, Lin Wang
2024,9(8);    194 Views
Abstract To explore the characteristics of research motivation changes of outstanding master’s students and the factors influencing these changes, this study employed retrospective drawing and semi-structured in-depth interviews as data collection methods and surveyed five master’s students who received the honor of outstanding graduates at university level. Thematic  analysis was used to process the interview data. The results demonstrated that the research motivation of outstanding master’s students exhibited nonlinear dynamics, self-organization, interindividual variability, and ergodicity. Thematic analysis revealed that factors causing changes in their research motivation include teachers’ influence, research team atmosphere, physical and mental factors, research outcomes, and subjective norms. These findings offer a new perspective for understanding the research motivation of master’s students and can provide decision-making references for improving graduate education.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Preeti Singh, Bhawna Agarwal, Gurmeet Kaur, Ritesh Dwivedi
2024,9(8);    262 Views
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive summary of the current state of research and to critically analyse the accomplishments that have been made in the field of financing constraints. Hence, the objective of this study is to analyse the research patterns in this domain by consolidating the knowledge framework. Design/methodology/approach – A bibliographical study was conducted on 190 Scopus-indexed articles filtered from 1081 articles to analyse the literature. This dataset was generated through a systematic search executed on the Scopus database, encompassing the time frame from 2000 to 2023. Findings – By employing the bibliographic coupling methodology, a total of eleven distinct research clusters were found. The author performed a comprehensive analysis of these clusters and gleaned potential research ideas from them. Our work strengthens the current empirical data. The study's findings indicate that enterprises need to overcome credit constraints in order to improve their performance. Afterwards, we constructed a comprehensive framework to serve as the foundation for suggesting significant areas for future research. Research limitations/implications – The present study has certain limitations. The methodology operates under the assumption that citations serve as the sole indicator of article quality. Consequently, it is possible that the study has overlooked publications of exceptional quality that have not yet garnered any citations. Originality/value – For this investigation, the author relied on the reliable information provided by the Scopus database. Bibliographic coupling methods was employed to examine the dynamic landscape of research encompassing this nascent knowledge domain.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Rogelio Antenero Murro
2024,9(8);    225 Views
Abstract Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, schools have been forced to switch to a mode of instruction that does not involve face-to-face interaction. This has led to enormous changes in the education business on a global scale. A modular distance learning study was conducted with the purpose of determining the study habits and academic accomplishments of elementary school students who received funding from the state. In the course of the research, a total of 260 primary school students were surveyed using a descriptive survey research method as well as an instrument that had been created and modified. There are often one to three members of the family who are being instructed by the mother, and the majority of families of the state funded primary school learners are considered to be low-income households. During the course of modular distance learning, the learners received a rating that was very satisfactory in terms of their academic success. There is a correlation between study habits and academic achievement
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Nabila Rizki Amanda, Dian Kurnianingrum, Mahendra Fakhri, Romat Saragih
2024,9(8);    162 Views
Abstract This study examines the pivotal role of leadership in organizational functioning, specifically examining its impact on enhancing employee performance. The research focuses on understanding and analyzing the influence of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance, with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) serving as the intervening variable. Employing a descriptive quantitative research design, the study encompasses employees from a State-Owned Construction Company in Jakarta, Indonesia. The research uses 100 samples. The research draws upon primary and secondary data derived from field studies and library research. Using path analysis, hypothesis testing, and the coefficient of determination as analytical tools, the findings reveal the significant influence of Servant Leadership (X) on both Employee Performance (Y) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Z) at 10.1% and 58.2%, respectively. Furthermore, OCB (Z) exhibits a noteworthy effect on Employee Performance (Y) at 7.6%, while Servant Leadership (X) significantly impacts Employee Performance (Y) through OCB (Z) at 27.9%. The research results show that servant leadership has a significant and positive impact on employee performance, both directly and through OCB, highlight the potential to enhance organizational outcomes even beyond the percentages demonstrated in this study.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Swapna Swarupa Mallick, Sweta Leena Hota, Arya Kumar, Himanshu Agarwall
2024,9(8);    905 Views
Abstract This study explores the complexities surrounding eco -friendly marketing tools, specifically environmental advertisements, eco -labels, and eco -brands, and their influence on consumer choices towards sustainability. The purpose of this research is to understand how these tools shape consumer preferences and impact real-world buying behaviour amid the growing interest in eco -friendly products. The methodology involves a comprehensive review of existing literature to identify key factors that drive sustainable consumer choices. Findings reveal that brand authenticity, demonstrated through transparency and certifications, significantly influences consumer preferences. E co -labels serve as visual indicators that establish a product’s environmental credentials, while brand identity and corporate social responsibility play crucial roles in shaping consumer behaviour towards environmentally conscious products. The study highlights the importance of emotional appeal in environmental advertisements, the impact of persuasive messaging, and the role of visual representations in influencing consumer behaviour. This research offers original insights into the effectiveness of eco -friendly marketing tools and provides valuable r eco mmendations for brands aiming to enhance their sustainable marketing strategies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Youssef Jouali, Jamila Jouali, Sara EL Aboudi
2024,9(8);    266 Views
Abstract In a constantly evolving world facing various challenges, resilience and coping are essential for overcoming difficulties and bouncing back. Coaching, as a personalized and development-focused approach, can play a significant role in enhancing resilience and coping. This article explores the impact of coaching on these processes, highlighting the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional skills that contribute to this transformation. Additionally, coaching strengthens self-confidence and develops greater emotional resilience. Coaching is crucial in building resilience by helping individuals effectively manage their emotions and find meaning in challenging situations. The Coaching process enables individuals to develop the skills and resources necessary to overcome obstacles and recover more quickly and effectively. Thus, coaching and resilience are closely interconnected, fostering growth and adaptation in the face of life's challenges. In partnership with several Moroccan-based companies, we conducted a study on 133 participants who agreed to participate in our survey. The results demonstrate the positive impact of behavioral, cognitive, and emotional skills on resilience and adaptation. The findings underscore the importance of these skills in strengthening resilience and adaptation among individuals. They highlight the critical role of these skills in promoting positive adjustment to challenges and changes, both at a personal and professional level.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jiaxin Yi, Tao Zou
2024,9(8);    393 Views
Abstract This study investigates the relationships between smart city construction, technology acceptance, and resident well-being, integrating the Technology Acceptance Model with smart city research. Using structural equation modeling and data from 2,187 residents across five smart cities, we examine how smart city initiatives influence technology acceptance and, consequently, resident well-being. Results indicate that smart city construction positively affects perceived usefulness and ease of use of smart technologies, which in turn drive technology acceptance. Technology acceptance significantly mediates the relationship between smart city initiatives and resident well-being, highlighting its crucial role in translating urban innovations into quality of life improvements. The indirect effect of smart city construction on resident well-being through technology acceptance was significant (β = 0.183, p < 0.001), accounting for 37.1% of the total effect. Additionally, a direct positive effect of smart city construction on well-being was observed (β = 0.31, p < 0.001), suggesting benefits beyond active technology engagement. The study contributes to smart city literature by providing empirical evidence for the often-assumed link between smart city development and resident well-being, while also extending the application of the Technology Acceptance Model to urban contexts. These findings have important implications for urban planners and policymakers, emphasizing the need for user-centered design and inclusive development strategies in smart city projects to maximize positive impacts on urban populations.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Zhimin Chen, Tao Zou
2024,9(8);    186 Views
Abstract This study investigates the impact of blockchain technology adoption on agricultural supply chains, focusing on transaction costs, supply chain efficiency, and farmer income. Utilizing panel data from 500 agricultural enterprises across 10 countries over a five-year period, we employ fixed effects and dynamic panel models to analyze the economic effects of blockchain implementation. Our findings reveal that blockchain adoption is associated with significant reductions in transaction costs, improvements in supply chain efficiency, and increases in farmer income. The study addresses endogeneity concerns through instrumental variable estimation and conducts extensive robustness checks to validate the results. Our analysis provides empirical evidence for the transformative potential of blockchain technology in addressing key challenges in agricultural supply chains, including information asymmetries and inefficiencies. The findings have important implications for policymakers and practitioners seeking to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural systems through technological innovation. This research contributes to the growing literature on digital agriculture and offers insights into the role of blockchain in shaping the future of global food systems.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xiaoxin Hou, Baharin Bin Abu
2024,9(8);    174 Views
Abstract With the booming development of international education, China has become an important destination for many international students. However, facing a brand new cultural environment, the cross-cultural adaptation problem of international students has become more and more prominent. Through an empirical investigation, this study aims to reveal the key factors affecting their adaptation process. Through a questionnaire survey this paper collected data from international students in China. The results of the analysis show that factors such as level of interpersonal interaction, Chinese language proficiency, cultural distance, time spent in China, and satisfaction all have a significant impact on international students' cross-cultural adaptation. This study not only provides new perspectives for understanding the process of international students' intercultural adaptation, but also explores the characteristics of sociocultural adaptation of international students in Chinese cultural and educational contexts through known antecedent factors.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lara Priyadharshini Sinnappan, Saranya Boopathi Prabhakaran, Ranchana Karunakaran, Arunadevi Kalaivani Chinnasamy, Ravikumar Gopal, Sathya Rajan, Rajesh Adangam Purath
2024,9(8);    233 Views
Abstract In team settings, the development of reflexibility and emotional intelligence significantly influences performance outcomes. Identifying these relationships is crucial for optimizing team dynamics and achieving superior results. Present research investigates the relationship between team reflexivity and team performance through the mediating role of Emotional Intelligence. Team reflexibility affects team performance positively and developing emotional intelligence skills improves team performance. SPSS and AMOS software was used to analyze the data and the hypothesis was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) and data obtained from 317 IT company employees in Coimbatore, India. The outcomes of the study provide both practical and theoretical insights for IT company employees to increase team performance through flexible and emotional intelligence skills. Employees with a high level of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) are insufficient for today's business.  To be successful, workers must have a certain level of Emotional Intelligence (EI).  Employees with a high EI tend to have better relationships and connections, higher performance due to collaboration, and a more positive and peaceful workplace. This research gives managers and leaders an in-depth understanding of highly reflective teams, which will allow them to be more inventive while also altering their emotional abilities to perform better and retain the organization in the long run.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Devi Soumyaja
2024,9(8);    328 Views
Abstract Sustainable menstruation promotes health, social well-being, and minimizes negative environmental impacts. As opposed to single-use tampons and pads, which absorb blood, the menstrual cup collects menstrual blood and can last for up to ten years. The present study attempted to understand the awareness level about sustainable menstruation and menstrual cups, intention to use menstrual cup, and factors inhibiting as well as facilitating the use of menstrual cups among young women. Data was collected through a survey of 1937 menstruating college students in Kerala. The study indicated a high level of awareness about cloth pads and menstrual cups among college students. Though the use of menstrual cups was found to be low, the intention to use menstrual cups was reported to be above average. The major factor for not using menstrual cups was related to fear of vaginal insertion and the major facilitating factor was found to be convenience. The study results will provide insights into designing focused awareness sessions to mitigate the reasons for not using menstrual cups.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wenbin Lu, Xiaotong Liang
2024,9(8);    156 Views
Abstract This study investigates user retention in sharing economy platforms by integrating Social Exchange Theory with network externalities. A comprehensive model is developed to examine the relationships between perceived benefits, trust, network size, and user retention intention. Data collected from 1,200 users across various sharing economy sectors were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicate that perceived benefits and trust positively influence user retention intention, while network size moderates these relationships. Furthermore, network size positively affects both perceived benefits and trust. The study reveals the complex interplay between individual-level factors and platform-level network effects in shaping user retention behavior. Theoretical contributions include the extension of Social Exchange Theory in digital platforms and the bridging of network theory with trust research in sharing economies. Practical implications for platform managers emphasize the importance of enhancing value propositions, building trust mechanisms, and implementing effective growth strategies. The research also highlights the self-reinforcing nature of network effects in user retention. Limitations of the cross-sectional design are acknowledged, and future research directions are proposed, including longitudinal studies, sector-specific analyses, and investigations into potential negative network effects. This study advances our understanding of user retention dynamics in the rapidly evolving sharing economy landscape, offering insights for both scholars and practitioners in this field.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jiaxin Yi, Tao Zou
2024,9(8);    258 Views
Abstract This study investigates the multi-level effects of environmental justice perceptions on public participation willingness in urban planning. Employing a hierarchical linear modeling approach, we analyzed data from 816 residents across three major U.S. cities. Results reveal that procedural justice is the strongest predictor of participation willingness, followed by distributive and recognition justice. Significant cross-level interactions were observed, with neighborhood social capital amplifying the effect of procedural justice, and city-level environmental quality moderating the impact of distributive justice. Socioeconomic factors exhibited both direct and indirect effects, with income level positively moderating the relationship between procedural justice and participation. The study contributes to environmental justice theory by demonstrating the differential impacts of justice dimensions and their contextual variations. It also bridges environmental justice and public participation literature through an integrated multi-level framework. Practical implications include the importance of transparent decision-making processes, context-sensitive participation strategies, and initiatives to build community social capital. These findings provide valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers seeking to enhance public engagement in environmental planning and promote more just, sustainable urban environments.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wang Ruimei, Nurul Nadwa Zulkifli, Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub
2024,9(8);    120 Views
Abstract This study investigated the impact of a Stratified Cognitive Apprenticeship Model Teaching Module (SCTM) on the mathematical learning motivation of high school students in China. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study was conducted in a high school with 150 ninth-grade students, who were randomly divided into three groups. The first treatment group employed the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model (CAM) teaching strategy, wherein teachers used modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection, and exploration strategies. The second treatment group implemented SCTM teaching, in which students were stratified by their performance ability level and the class was designed following the CAM process. The control group maintained Conventional Instruction (CI), including lectures, note-taking, and homework completion. Motivational assessments were administered to students according to the pretest, post-test, and delayed post-test to evaluate the effects of CAM and SCTM on student learning motivation. The results confirmed through Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) demonstrated that the SCTM group outperformed the CAM group, which in turn outperformed the traditional teaching group. These findings provide empirical support for high school mathematics education, proving that teaching strategies combining stratification and the cognitive apprenticeship model can effectively enhance students’ learning motivation. Ethical Compliance: All procedures performed in this study involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional an national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Barath Chidambar Subramanian, Raishan Shafini Bakar, Aisyah Che Rahimi, Mohd Azhar Mohd Yasin
2024,9(8);    154 Views
Abstract The study aimed to determine the prevalence of psychological distress and explore the roles of neuroticism traits and coping styles among frontliners during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia.  A total of 336 frontline healthcare workers from three COVID-19 hospitals in Malaysia participated in the online survey. The measurements, including sociodemographic characteristics, presence of psychological distress, neuroticism traits, and coping styles, were assessed using the sociodemographic proforma, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Big Five Inventory, and Brief COPE scales. Descriptive analysis with SPSS-26 were performed to determine the socio-demographic attributes of the participants, level of trait neuroticism, coping styles and psychological distress. Multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine the factors significantly associated with psychological distress. Results showed that out of 336 frontliners, 22.9% reported psychological distress. Higher trait neuroticism was significantly associated with an increased risk of psychological distress (p < 0.05), while religious coping was significantly associated with a decreased risk of psychological distress (p < 0.05). Other sociodemographic factors, such as age, gender, and years of experience, did not show significant associations with psychological distress. The high prevalence of psychological distress among frontliners highlights the importance of addressing their mental health needs during pandemics. Interventions aimed at enhancing psychological well-being should consider targeting neuroticism traits and promoting adaptive coping strategies, such as religious coping.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Fengdan Shen, Lingyi Zhou, Yufang Feng
2024,9(8);    172 Views
Abstract Attribution beliefs are important psychological factors that affect students’ reading performance . T his paper  reports a survey study on Japanese Major s tudents’  success attribution  factors   in   reading comprehension  performance  through   a   questionnaire and follow-up interviews. The participant s are 160   third -year Japanese language learner s from four  universities in Jiangsu Province, China . Findings revealed that  1)  the Japanese third -year  language learner s  show   a tendency of positive attribution style on the whole, with the mean value of Internal Factors   (Mean=3.68) higher than that of External Factors   (Mean=3.23), which means that most of Japanese Major learners attribute their success to Internal Factors in terms of Japanese reading comprehension  performance .   2)T here are differences existing between high  achievers and low  achievers with regard to   success attribution  factors   in Japanese reading comprehension  performance , with high achievers ’  mean scores higher than low achievers in both Internal Factors  and External Factors. The research findings have greatly enhanced our understanding of Japanese language learners ’  success attribution beliefs in reading comprehension performance, which will provide educational guidance and recommendation for both teachers and students during the process of teaching and learning Japanese language.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hüseyin Aslan, Alptuğ Aksoy, Bilgen Gaye Yalpa
2024,9(8);    291 Views
Abstract The main purpose of this field study is to examine the mediating role of employee voice in the effect of inclusive leadership perceptions on innovative work behaviors of employees working at different hierarchical levels in the manufacturing sectors. 415 employees in total were voluntarily included in the survey study. The findings obtained in this direction revealed that employees' perceptions of inclusive leadership positively affect their innovative work behavior attitudes and that employee voice has a mediating role in the relationship between these two variables. In this context, the sectoral results of the research are discussed, the limitations of the study are stated and certain suggestions are made for the employees working in managerial positions.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Yangmin Tu, Tao Zou
2024,9(8);    3322 Views
Abstract This study investigates employee resistance to organizational change during economic downturns, examining the mediating roles of uncertainty perception and job insecurity, and the moderating effect of organizational identification. Using a time-lagged design, data were collected from 3,827 employees across 50 organizations in various sectors. Results indicate that the magnitude of organizational change positively relates to employee resistance behavior, with this relationship partially mediated by uncertainty perception and job insecurity. Organizational identification moderates this relationship, with higher identification weakening the positive association between change magnitude and resistance. These findings were consistent across different organizational sizes and sectors, enhancing their generalizability. The study contributes to change management theory by integrating perspectives from uncertainty reduction theory, job insecurity research, and social identity theory. It offers practical implications for managers, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, efforts to strengthen organizational identification, and strategies to mitigate uncertainty and job insecurity during change initiatives. The research provides a foundation for developing more effective, employee-centric change management strategies in challenging economic contexts, while also identifying avenues for future research, including longitudinal studies and cross-cultural investigations.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Josias Shiriyedete, Aneesah Khan, Stanley Osezua Ehiane
2024,9(8);    284 Views
Abstract The access and availability of water have been South Africa’s challenge for millennia. Cape Town has experienced a severe water crisis, never witnessed since its establishment in 1652. The city’s water problems began in 2015 when below-average precipitation was received. Consecutive droughts were experienced until 2018 when water problems reached their peak and became a crisis as taps were expected to run dry. The study explored the causes and impacts of Cape Town’s water crisis, and the strategic intervention by the government to improve access and availability of water to a population nearing 5 million. To understand the objectives of the study, it employed a qualitative approach that used interviews and documentary sources. Purposive sampling was used because units were sampled strategically according to their relevance to the research problem. Snowball sampling was also used where the researcher asked for a referral to other participants. Participants were selected for interviews, particularly from government, business, industry and institutions.   Forty-two participants were interviewed for the required data. The systems theory guided the study process. The study established that climate change and governance issues were critical factors causing the crisis. Impacts were severe across agriculture, tourism, industrial and retail sectors. Local to national level economy as well as individual and households were impacted. Hence, government strategies have gained support in alleviating water problems and establishing cohesion in a racially divided Cape Town. The study concluded that the effect of policy reforms, preparedness against climate change, design and implementation of strategic interventions, excellent governance, and the role of public participation in advancing the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Jian-Hong Ye, Weiguaju Nong, Jhen-Ni Ye, Li Wang, Yi-Sang Lee, Yonghua Huang
2024,9(8);    4275 Views
Abstract The Chinese Ministry of Education implemented a policy to recruit silver-aged (retired) teachers to participate in the construction of higher education in the western region to promote the practice of educational equity. However, for policy stakeholders, it is still unclear whether they will perceive the actual effect of the policy implementation. Therefore, under the framework of the socio-ecological model (S-EM) and self-determination theory (SDT), this study explored the relationship between college students' perceptions of silver-aged teachers’ support, school belonging, two types of learning motivation and students' well-being. Purposive sampling was adopted in this study. College students who participated in the “Program for Supporting Senior Teachers in Colleges and Universities in the West” were recruited to fill out the online questionnaires, and a total of 532 questionnaires were returned. The results of structural equation model analysis showed that when the students perceived the support of senior teachers, it was helpful for them to form their sense of belonging to the school. When the sense of belonging to the school became stronger, their learning motivation was also promoted. When students were motivated to learn, they also had higher levels of well-being. From this point of view, the plan to support the western colleges and universities with silver-aged (retired) teachers is conducive to the sustainable development of education.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Beili Wang, Saiful Hasley Ramli, Samsilah Roslan, Ahmad Rizal Abdul Rahman, Ziming Li
2024,9(8);    223 Views
Abstract Personalized special education is an educational approach that focuses on the unique needs and abilities of students with special needs, making it ideal for inclusive classrooms. Research indicates that personalized learning can enhance learning outcomes, increase engagement, and improve overall experience. Mobile media, including digital content and apps, is crucial in special education for providing inclusive experiences. These devices offer various features and functions that can be customized to meet the unique needs of students with diverse learning requirements. Benefits of using mobile media include accessibility, interactive learning, inclusive education, assistive technologies, collaborative learning, increased engagement, motivation, and feedback and assessment. Assistive technology tools like text-to-speech capabilities enhance accessibility and facilitate learning for students with diverse needs. Therefore, the behavior characteristics of special children were analyzed, and the relevant use of mobile media was obtained through literature review, which provided theoretical support for the study of mobile media design for special children through edutainment.
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