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Analysis on the implementation of inclusive classroom: perception on compliances and obstructions of selected public-school teachers

Alein Jane T. De leon, Reynalin L. Jumalon, Jason V. Chavez, Mohaider J. Kairan, Khar-Diya A. Abbas, Abubakar J. Radjuni, Honey Laine S. Kadil, Jicky Joy B. Sahirul, Edwin M. Tantalie, Altamer A. Hussin, Mohammad Sharief S. Amlih, Salman E. Albani

Article ID: 2537
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 69 (Abstract) 2 (PDF)


This descriptive explanatory study determined the compliances and obstructions based on the perception of selected public schools. The analysis of the implementation of inclusive classrooms involves a comprehensive examination of the extent to which educational institutions adhere to inclusive practices and the challenges they face in achieving inclusivity. Inclusive classrooms aim to provide a learning environment that accommodates diverse students, including those with disabilities, different learning styles, and varied backgrounds. With 20 samples taken through non-probability sampling method via purposive sampling, the result showed that there are teachers who have limited knowledge about the implementation of inclusive education in their classroom, and the respondents have varied perceptions about classroom inclusivity such as customize approach, warm space, and equal opportunities. It also showed that there are obstructions in the implementation of inclusive education in their classroom setup to include denying a chance, lack of resources, and lack of awareness.


inclusive education; teacher preparedness; professional development; student diversity

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Copyright (c) 2024 Alein Jane T. De leon, Reynalin L. Jumalon, Jason V. Chavez, Mohaider J. Kairan, Khar-Diya A. Abbas, Abubakar J. Radjuni, Honey Laine S. Kadil, Jicky Joy B. Sahirul, Edwin M. Tantalie, Altamer A. Hussin, Mohammad Sharief S. Amlih, Salman E. Albani

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