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Knowledge deficits and analysis on comprehension of teachers on their common legal rights as teachers

Reynold Mark Bucoy, Kier M. Enumerabellon, Abdel J. Amilhamja, Christine B. Sisnorio, Raymart Manalo, Jason V. Chavez, Narsima A. Sabbaha, Salman E. Albani

Article ID: 2559
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 33 (Abstract) 7 (PDF)


The basic principles that protect teachers' professional autonomy, welfare, and ability to contribute to education are included in their rights. These rights include the ability to teach without drawing conclusions, just remuneration commensurate with their level of experience, a welcoming workplace, and immunity from discrimination. Protecting teachers' rights is essential to creating an environment that supports effective teaching, increasing job satisfaction, and eventually raising the caliber of learning opportunities for students. This study investigates teachers' fundamental rights in the context of education. In this study, ten (10) educators from both public and private institutions took part. Interviews were done to find out how instructors analyze data and whether they are aware of their shared legal rights.


legal rights of teachers; academic freedom; legal protections; professional development

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Copyright (c) 2024 Reynold Mark Bucoy, Kier M. Enumerabellon, Abdel J. Amilhamja, Christine B. Sisnorio, Raymart Manalo, Jason V. Chavez, Narsima A. Sabbaha, Salman E. Albani

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