E- service quality and customer satisfaction: A bibliometric retrospective and future research agenda
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 276 (Abstract) 186 (PDF)
E-service quality and satisfaction with service quality provided by e-commerce websites have become prominent in the past few years because of the availability of a wide array of services in an online manner. The present study intends to identify trends and patterns in existing literature in the domains of e-services, e-service quality, and customer satisfaction. In pursuit of the same objective, the present study analyses past trends and suggests future agendas in the domain using bibliometric analysis. Based on an analysis of 252 publications extracted through the Scopus repository from 2001 to 2023, this study found that academic interest is growing yearly. Li, H., with five publications, is the most influential author in the domain. India has a strong bibliographic coupling with nations such as Malaysia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, with 22417 links. Through keyword co-occurrence analysis, three clusters were identified: e-service quality dimensions (red cluster), applications of e-service quality (green cluster), and outcomes of e-service quality (blue cluster). Lastly, a future research agenda has been presented for each cluster based on keyword co-occurrence analysis.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59429/esp.v9i8.2618
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