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Strategic intervention: water crisis and its impact on sustainable development in cape town, south africa

Josias Shiriyedete, Aneesah Khan, Stanley Osezua Ehiane

Article ID: 2656
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 267 (Abstract) 207 (PDF)


The access and availability of water have been South Africa’s challenge for millennia. Cape Town has experienced a severe water crisis, never witnessed since its establishment in 1652. The city’s water problems began in 2015 when below-average precipitation was received. Consecutive droughts were experienced until 2018 when water problems reached their peak and became a crisis as taps were expected to run dry. The study explored the causes and impacts of Cape Town’s water crisis, and the strategic intervention by the government to improve access and availability of water to a population nearing 5 million. To understand the objectives of the study, it employed a qualitative approach that used interviews and documentary sources. Purposive sampling was used because units were sampled strategically according to their relevance to the research problem. Snowball sampling was also used where the researcher asked for a referral to other participants. Participants were selected for interviews, particularly from government, business, industry and institutions. Forty-two participants were interviewed for the required data. The systems theory guided the study process. The study established that climate change and governance issues were critical factors causing the crisis. Impacts were severe across agriculture, tourism, industrial and retail sectors. Local to national level economy as well as individual and households were impacted. Hence, government strategies have gained support in alleviating water problems and establishing cohesion in a racially divided Cape Town. The study concluded that the effect of policy reforms, preparedness against climate change, design and implementation of strategic interventions, excellent governance, and the role of public participation in advancing the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


sustainable development; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); water crisis, public participation

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