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The determinants of purchase decision towards among generation z via tiktok for health products of small and medium entrepreneurs

Kim Yew Lim, Sew Teng Yuen, Owee Kowang Tan, Phung Thai Minh Trang, Tippawan Lertatthakornkit, Poh Kiong Tee

Article ID: 2688
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 391 (Abstract) 274 (PDF)


The widespread use of social media platforms, such as TikTok has caused a drastic change in the way that consumers behave in the modern world. During this change, TikTok has become a significant influencer, influencing the thoughts and tastes of a wide range of people. This study aims to examine the relationships between social media engagement,  health awareness, perceived price fairness and the purchase intention on healthcare products via Tik Tok in Malaysia. This study employs survey questionnaire via the use of convenience sampling techniques to collect data and SPSS for Data Analysis. This  study comprises of 385 sample sizes. The results show a significant relationship between social media engagement, health awareness, price fairness and the purchase intention on healthcare products via Tik Tok. From theoretical implication aspect, this research provided empirical support for the hypothesis that there are predictive links between health awareness, price fairness, social media engagement, with the purchase intention. While from practical aspect, the results of the study have important significance for the healthcare products of small and medium entrepreneurs’ future business growth.


purchase intention, social media engagement, health awareness, price fairness

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