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BIPA learning practices of international students in higher education: A phenomenon of language integration based on psychopragmatics approach

Wahyudi Rahmat, Refa Lina Tiawati, Kundharu Saddhono, Emil Septia, Yulia Sri Hartati, Indriani Nisja, Suci Dwinitia, Zulfitri yani, Lira Hayu Afdetis Mana

Article ID: 2733
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 292 (Abstract) 189 (PDF)


Through the BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) program, Indonesian has become one of the world's most important languages. The phenomenon of international students speaking Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) is fascinating. It will be interesting to see how they express themselves through their ability to speak Indonesian. This study takes a psychopragmatic approach to the expressive speech acts of BIPA international students at Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat. The uniqueness of the students' expressions was the impetus for this study, as they are not native Indonesian speakers. This study examines their expressive language concerning their psychological characteristics. Expressive speech acts serve as visual representations of their language adaptation. This study aims to characterize students' expressive utterances while they are learning. The data is gathered via document analysis and in-depth interviews. The data are analyzed through repeated reading and context focusing on the material. The findings indicated that BIPA's learning materials contain indigenous and Indonesian content and that the language of communication used in the materials is Indonesian. The study discovered that students used expressive speech acts to convey gratitude, praise, happiness, and difficulty.


BIPA; expressive speech acts; international students; language integration based; psychopragmatic

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Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyudi Rahmat, Refa Lina Tiawati, Kundharu Saddhono, Emil Septia, Yulia Sri Hartati, Indriani Nisja, Suci Dwinitia, Zulfitriyani , Lira Hayu Afdetis Mana

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