The nexus between eWOM and repurchase intention: A serial mediation -moderator model
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 462 (Abstract) 363 (PDF)
This study investigates the effect of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on online purchase intention, brand image, online buying behavior, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention. We developed and tested a conceptual model using data collected from 521 respondents in a developing country. After verifying the survey instrument's psychometric properties by using the Smart PLS package of structural equation modelling (SEM), a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test hypothesized relationships. The results indicate that (a) eWOM has a positive significant effect on online purchase intention and brand image, (b) online purchase intention and brand image are positively associated with online buying behavior, and (c) online buying behavior is positively associated with customer satisfaction, which, in turn, is related to repurchase intention. The findings also suggest that social media involvement increases the strength of the positive effect of eWOM and brand image.
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