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Knowledge management practices and organizational commitment among employees of line-agencies in Sulu

Norenna S. Sarahadil, Masnona S. Asiri, Charisma S. Ututalum

Article ID: 2837
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 43 (Abstract) 2 (PDF)


The study investigated the organizational commitment and knowledge management practices of line-agency employees in Sulu, Philippines during the Fiscal Year 2023. Quota sampling (n=200) was carried out to sample the participants. Descriptive-comparative analysis was conducted to analyze the organizational commitment and knowledge management competence of the employees. Findings of the study revealed that employees are highly competent in various aspects of knowledge management, including knowledge acquisition, sharing, creation, codification, and retention. For organizational commitment, the employees demonstrated a high level of commitment to their organization, work, profession, and group work. Further analysis indicated that some demographic profiles (i.e., age, appointment status, length of service, and educational attainment) mediated the knowledge management competence of the employees. Similarly, some profiles (i.e., appointment status, length of service, and educational attainment) mediated their organizational commitment. Linear correlation revealed that the commitment and knowledge management competence were highly but not significantly correlated. Organizations should continue to invest in training and development programs to sustain and further improve these competencies. This study observed the importance of continuous investment in employee development, personalized management practices, and integrated organizational strategies to optimize both knowledge management and employee commitment.


cooperation; knowledge acquisition; knowledge management; knowledge sharing; organizational commitment

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