Navigating the new normal: financial constraints in startups - A bibliometric analysis and roadmap for future research
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 248 (Abstract) 106 (PDF)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive summary of the current state of research and to critically analyse the accomplishments that have been made in the field of financing constraints. Hence, the objective of this study is to analyse the research patterns in this domain by consolidating the knowledge framework.
Design/methodology/approach – A bibliographical study was conducted on 190 Scopus-indexed articles filtered from 1081 articles to analyse the literature. This dataset was generated through a systematic search executed on the Scopus database, encompassing the time frame from 2000 to 2023.
Findings – By employing the bibliographic coupling methodology, a total of eleven distinct research clusters were found. The author performed a comprehensive analysis of these clusters and gleaned potential research ideas from them. Our work strengthens the current empirical data. The study's findings indicate that enterprises need to overcome credit constraints in order to improve their performance. Afterwards, we constructed a comprehensive framework to serve as the foundation for suggesting significant areas for future research.
Research limitations/implications – The present study has certain limitations. The methodology operates under the assumption that citations serve as the sole indicator of article quality. Consequently, it is possible that the study has overlooked publications of exceptional quality that have not yet garnered any citations.
Originality/value – For this investigation, the author relied on the reliable information provided by the Scopus database. Bibliographic coupling methods was employed to examine the dynamic landscape of research encompassing this nascent knowledge domain.
Full Text:
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