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Beyond COVID-19 business transformational opportunities: Develop e-satisfaction for predicting repeat purchase behavior based on “goodwill e-trust” ; Case of South Korean SMEs
Nargis Dewan
Department of International Trade, Inje Unversity
Sung Jin Yoo
Department of Management, Inje University
Keywords: e-business, e-commerce, information quality, web interface, company reputation, e-trust, e-satisfaction, perceived privacy concerns
The increasing prevalence of e-commerce has transformed online shopping into one of the most favored methods for consumers. This study investigates the factors influencing initial e-trust formation toward e-commerce adoption, focusing on information quality, web interface, and company reputation. It aims to assess how e-trust affects customer satisfaction and the sustained use of e-commerce, and explores the moderating role of perceived privacy concerns. Utilizing a randomized distribution of questionnaires among 236 participants, and employing a seven-point Likert scale, the study gathered data both online and offline.
Statistical analyses using SPSS AMOS confirmed the acceptance of all proposed hypotheses. The findings reveal that e-trust, grounded in goodwill-trust theory, significantly influences trust and satisfaction, thereby enhancing future purchase intentions and positively affecting online shopping behavior. The study demonstrates that understanding and addressing the antecedents of e-trust is crucial for fostering consumer satisfaction and promoting continued e-commerce adoption.
Notably, Post-COVID-19 consumers showed a decrease in privacy concerns compared to Pre-COVID-19, indicating reduced fear and apprehension associated with online shopping. This reduction in privacy concerns is linked to an increased likelihood of repurchase behavior. Theoretical implications suggest that the research provides valuable insights for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), helping them enhance customer trust and satisfaction, thus gaining a competitive edge over larger e-commerce firms. The findings underscore the long-term impact of e-trust on consumer adoption in the globalized e-commerce landscape.
Author Biographies
Nargis Dewan, Department of International Trade, Inje Unversity
Dr Nargis Dewan who has authored several journal articles with research interests in Business, Consumer and Information technology adoption research. She is renowned author in business and management consumer research studies with research interests in Global consumer information technology adoption behavior, global communication, consumer awareness, marketing and advertising , tourism development and influence of technology adoption with different perspectives of human life among other research interests.Sung Jin Yoo, Department of Management, Inje University
Professor Sung Jin YOO who has authored several journal articles with research interests in Business, Consumer and Management research. He is renowned author in business and management consumer research studies with research interests in Global business development, consumer behavior, advertising influence, new product development and adoption of information technology and department procurement among other research interests.
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