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The impact of urban street green transformation on subjective well-being and evaluation of the location: A case study in Vienna, Austria

Lilian Amend, Jan Mikuni, Margot Dehove, Linda Dörrzapf, Martin Karl Moser, Bernd Resch, Pia Böhm, Katharina Prager, Helmut Leder, Elisabeth Oberzaucher

Article ID: 2861
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 298 (Abstract) 128 (PDF)


Urban green landscapes, such as street- and ground-level greenery, are essential for urban populations, enabling frequent and spontaneous interactions with nature in cities. While many cities have increased their green infrastructure and landscapes, their impact on well-being and environmental evaluations needs to be studied more. In the present study, we conducted a field experiment that directly addressed this aspect. Specifically, on two urban streets in Vienna (Austria), we conducted the same structured field experiment during two different periods, during March and May/June in 2022, resulting in different levels of greenery in two urban streets. We aimed to study if and how varying quantities of greenery in urban street landscapes influence subjective well-being in terms of subjective feelings of stress and affective mood, as well as the restorative potential of the locations. Our results showed that, unlike the often-reported positive impact of urban green spaces, the varying amount of greenery on the streets did not positively affect the well-being or the restorative potential of the locations. The results highlight that simply implementing greenery might not be sufficient to induce positive effects. Instead, more intense and dense greenery would be necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.


urban greening landscape; field study; biophilia designs; well-being; evaluations; green cities

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Copyright (c) 2024 Lilian Amend, Jan Mikuni, Margot Dehove, Linda Dörrzapf, Martin Karl Moser, Bernd Resch, Pia Böhm, Katharina Prager, Helmut Leder, Elisabeth Oberzaucher

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