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The influence of eco-friendly marketing tools on sustainable consumer choices: A comprehensive review study

Swapna Swarupa Mallick, Sweta Leena Hota, Arya Kumar, Himanshu Agarwall

Article ID: 2863
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 822 (Abstract) 462 (PDF)


This study explores the complexities surrounding eco-friendly marketing tools, specifically environmental advertisements, eco-labels, and eco-brands, and their influence on consumer choices towards sustainability. The purpose of this research is to understand how these tools shape consumer preferences and impact real-world buying behaviour amid the growing interest in eco-friendly products. The methodology involves a comprehensive review of existing literature to identify key factors that drive sustainable consumer choices. Findings reveal that brand authenticity, demonstrated through transparency and certifications, significantly influences consumer preferences. Eco-labels serve as visual indicators that establish a product’s environmental credentials, while brand identity and corporate social responsibility play crucial roles in shaping consumer behaviour towards environmentally conscious products. The study highlights the importance of emotional appeal in environmental advertisements, the impact of persuasive messaging, and the role of visual representations in influencing consumer behaviour. This research offers original insights into the effectiveness of eco-friendly marketing tools and provides valuable recommendations for brands aiming to enhance their sustainable marketing strategies.


eco-friendly marketing; sustainable consumer choices; eco-labels; brand authenticity; consumer behaviour

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