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Business intelligence solution implementation challenges: A comparative analysis of service based start-ups, small & medium and large enterprises

Anuj Tripathi, Teena Bagga, Sushant Kumar Vishnoi, Abdul Rahman bin S Senathirajah, Rasheedul Haque

Article ID: 2864
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 63 (Abstract) 32 (PDF)


The term Business Intelligence (BI), first used in 1989 to describe an umbrella concept by Howard Dressner involving methods for improving business decision-making based on facts. It gradually evolved into data-driven decision support systems (DSS) in the contemporary era of technology, replacing terms like executive information systems. BI Solution works as a combination system of collection and storage of data to generate 'actionable information and knowledge at the right time, in the right location, and in the right form. Currently, BI solutions act as a priority for chief information officers (CIO), as a Gartner survey reported, to enhance business effectiveness and innovation by generating quality information of the company and using it in the decision-making process. Over the last few decades, business data volumes have increased tremendously due to the rise of business information systems such as ERP, CRM, etc. International Data Corporation (IDC) highlighted in the 6th annual study that the digital universe comprising structured and unstructured data will grow 300 times to 40,000 exabytes from 130 exabytes by 2020. The size of data will double every two years from 2012 onwards. India has witnessed the increased implementation of business intelligence solutions in the past decade, especially in the service industry, comprising retail, healthcare, BFSI, and IT organizations, to enhance their business practices & procedures and achieve competitive advantage. The present research aims to do a comparative study of business intelligence solution implementation challenges among service industry start-ups, small & medium, and large enterprises.


sustainable growth; business intelligence solution implementation in start-ups; BIS implementation challenges in small; medium and large enterprises; BIS implementation in service industry

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