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Examining the impact of green supply chain management practices on organisation performance and how to create a sustainable GSCM

Tasneem Al Lawati, Asif Mehmood Rana, Asia Sohail, Anwar ul Haq

Article ID: 2935
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 140 (Abstract) 37 (PDF)


Supply chain management (SCM) has become increasingly popular in recent years, during difficult businesse operations various stakeholders, including management, clients, competitors, NGOs, and employees face environmental issues seriously. Aims of study to integrate environmental considerations into all stages of the supply chain process. Effective management of a complex network of suppliers is crucial to reducing a company's environmental impact, as GSCM seeks to integrate environmental management (EM) and SCM. GSCM practices may be adopted for internal reasons, such as strategy processes, or external reasons, such as stakeholder pressure. This fundamental principle of GSCM is that environmental considerations should be integrated throughout the SCM process, from initial design through material selection, production, distribution, and disposal. This research aims to examine the association between GSCM (GSCM) practices and organizational performance. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both primary and secondary data. The findings suggest that GSCM practices have a negative correlation with organizational performance. The study also found a statistically significant link between GSCM practices and business success, as well as organizational performance. However, the impact of GSCM practices on organizational performance may not be as substantial as previously believed, as it did not have a significant effect on other aspects of organizational performance.


Green Supply, Management Practice, Sustainable, Organisation Performance

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