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Art healing practice program for rail worker mental health

Peng Wei, Yu Yu Lin

Article ID: 2963
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 49 (Abstract) 25 (PDF)


At present, China's rail transportation industry is in a rapid development stage, and the work pressure of rail transportation workers is increasing, and mental health problems are becoming more and more prominent. This study adopts the questionnaire research method to investigate the main factors affecting the mental health of the employees of five rail transit enterprises in Guangdong Province, China and their attitudes towards art healing, and constructs a factor model to conduct a comprehensive analysis by using the SPSS software, which reveals that the work intensity, work pressure and life pressure are the main factors affecting the mental health of the rail transit employees, and that most of the rail transit employees are willing to accept the art healing and believe that art healing is a positive and effective way to solve the mental health problems. Most of the rail transit workers are willing to accept art healing and believe that art healing is a positive and effective way to solve mental health problems. When designing art healing programs, it is necessary to give full consideration to the high work intensity of rail transit workers, and in the case of fewer art healing programs in the existing rail transit industry, it is necessary to actively explore leisure and relaxing art healing programs for the workers in the rail transit industry in order to alleviate and heal the psychological problems of rail transit workers, and to assist in the healthy development of the rail transit industry. The healthy development of rail transportation industry.


railroad workers; artistic healing; work intensity; mental health

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