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Appraising correlation between international organisation for standardisation 50001 and green productivity: A study of workers in Baiji, Iraq

Baser Khalaf Khazeal, Majid Mohammed Saleh, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Zakaria Che Muda, Saleh Noori Ragab, Andrew Ebekozien

Article ID: 2969
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 127 (Abstract) 73 (PDF)


Studies have shown that the progress and success of companies are achieved through their ability to improve energy performance and preserve the environment.  It would translate to environmentally friendly products. However, there is a paucity of studies regarding the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 50001 and its role in enhancing environmentally friendly products in developing countries such as Iraq. This study investigates the correlation between ISO 50001 standards and green productivity among Baiji's refinery workers in Iraq. Utilising a structured questionnaire, data from 128 respondents were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between ISO 50001 and green productivity, underscoring the importance of energy management training in enhancing productivity and environmental protection. As part of the study’s implications, it suggests increasing the company’s management’s attention to training in energy management and green productivity. Its positive impact on improving productivity and protecting the environment through continuous improvement of inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback to the company cannot be overstated.


ISO 50001; green productivity; Iraq; productivity improvement; environmental protection

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