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Catalyzing green innovation in hotel and tourism businesses: Leveraging green talent management, green organizational citizenship behavior, and green values

Majed Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Al Abdulathi, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Asier Baquero, Dayal Ali Waheer Alkhaldi, Wagih M. E. Salama, Shimaa Abo Elsoad Mohamed Soliman

Article ID: 2971
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 53 (Abstract) 41 (PDF)


Global corporations are grappling with a significant challenge in addressing the absence of green innovation. Therefore, this study presents a conceptual model that reveals the significant role of green talent management in fostering green innovation. The study strives to analyze the mediating effect of green organizational citizenship behavior on the impact of green talent management on green innovation. Additionally, the study tests the moderating role of green values on the relationship between green talent management and green organizational citizenship behavior and between green organizational citizenship behavior and green innovation. Data were collected from 330 employees at the middle-level management working at five-star hotels and travel agencies category-A operating in Egypt to test the proposed conceptual model using structural equation modeling. Findings show that GTM positively affects GI and GOCB. GOCB positively impacts GI. In addition, GV positively moderates GTM→GOCB and GOCB→GI relationships. Moreover, GOCB significantly mediates the GTM→GI relationship. Based on our research, useful guidelines for how GTM, GOCB, and GV could affect green innovation have been developed.


green innovation; green talent management; green organizational citizenship behavior; green values; hotel and tourism businesses

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Copyright (c) 2024 Majed Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Al Abdulathim, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Asier Baquero, Dayal Ali Waheer Alkhaldi, Wagih M. E. Salama, Shimaa Abo Elsoad Mohamed Soliman

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