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Catalyzing green competitiveness in hotel and tourism businesses: Leveraging digital dynamic capability and green creativity

Wagih Mohamed Salama, Mohamed Ahmed Suliman, Moustafa Hassanin, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Asmaa Said Ahmed Al Asrag, Nouran Saber Fahmy

Article ID: 2978
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 62 (Abstract) 39 (PDF)


The global push for green initiatives is in line with advancements in smart technology. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of digital dynamic capability “organization's capacity to swiftly utilize digital technologies for innovation and adaptation” on green competitiveness in hotel and tourism businesses, considering green creativity as a mediator. Using the statistical program WarpPLS 7.0, the study employed PLS-SEM to examine 333 replies that were provided by middle-level managers of five-star hotels and category-A travel agencies in Egypt. The study revealed that digital dynamic capability positively impacts both green competitiveness and green creativity. In addition, the study found that green creativity significantly mediates the relationship between digital dynamic capability and green competitiveness. The study offers fresh insights into how emerging concepts like digital dynamic capability predict green competitiveness in the tourism and hospitality industries.


digital dynamic capability; green creativity; green competitiveness; hotel and tourism businesses

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