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The underestimation of depression in primary health care in Greece during the post-COVID-19 pandemic: A simulation study

Angeliki Tsapara, Panagiotis Plotas, Anastasios Giakoumis, Anastasios Kantanis, Nikolaos Trimmis, Philippos Gourzis, Eleni Jelastopulu

Article ID: 3017
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 81 (Abstract) 30 (PDF)


Depression is the primary cause of psychological distress, particularly in a crisis like the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Primary healthcare structures don't seem to be able to identify and treat a sizable percentage of depressed individuals. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of undiagnosed depression in primary healthcare settings during the post-COVID-19 pandemic and its correlation with demographics and alcoholism. This cross-sectional study used the PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) to measure depression levels and the FAST (Fast Alcohol Screening Test) to assess alcoholism. A total of 212 individuals (86 males, aged 51.22 ± 6.11, and 126 females, aged 49.75 ± 6.22) who visited a Primary Health Center in Western Greece between May 2022 and September 2022 were included in the study. Findings revealed the occurrence of undetected depression in a percentage of 63.2% of cases. More specifically, 36.8% of the sample showed no depressive symptoms at all, 28.3% had mild depression, 18.4% had moderate depression, and 16.5% had severe depression. However, gender and alcoholism did not seem to influence the occurrence of depressive symptoms somehow. The results offer significant evidence regarding the prevalence of depression and its inadequate diagnosis in primary healthcare settings throughout the post-COVID-19 era. Based on the findings, general practitioners, mental health professionals, and the personnel of a Primary Health structure can use these questionnaires as screening tools for depression and alcoholism problems during patients’ visits. Future longitudinal studies might be conducted to examine the enduring psychological impacts of the pandemic and develop a depression awareness campaign within the context of primary healthcare.


depression; underestimation; primary health care; post-COVID-19; Greece

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