Vol. 9 No. 12 (2024): Published

Table of Contents

Open Access
Research Articles
by Yinghao Yang
2024,9(12);    222 Views
Abstract This longitudinal study investigates the dynamic relationship between environmental insecurity and adolescent identity development over a three-year period. A diverse sample of 500 adolescents (ages 13-17;250 boys and 250 girls) completed assessments at six-month intervals, measuring environmental insecurity, identity development, resilience, and social support. Latent growth curve modeling revealed distinct trajectories in both environmental insecurity and identity development. Cross-lagged panel analysis demonstrated a significant bidirectional relationship between these constructs, with environmental insecurity negatively predicting subsequent identity development (β = -0.21, p  < .001) and vice versa (β = -0.15, p  < .001). Structural equation modeling identified resilience and social support as partial mediators of this relationship. Socioeconomic status moderated the impact of environmental insecurity on identity development (β = 0.12, p  < .01), with higher Socio-Economic Status (SES) buffering against negative effects. Gender differences were observed, with females showing greater sensitivity to environmental insecurity. These findings underscore the complex interplay between environmental factors and adolescent identity formation, highlighting the importance of considering both risk and protective factors in understanding this developmental process. The results have implications for theories of adolescent development and suggest the need for targeted interventions to support positive identity formation in challenging environmental contexts.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yiwei Huang, Yuanhang Sun, Xiangyang Sun, Seongno Lee
2024,9(12);    154 Views
Abstract Background: In recent years, Pilates has become widely popular due to its distinctive training methods, drawing substantial public interest. Studies have shown that Pilates positively influences the alleviation of depressive symptoms and the enhancement of sleep quality among adults. Yet, there has been no systematic review of these findings. Thus, this research aims to assess the effects of Pilates on adult depression and sleep quality through a comprehensive review and meta-analysis, aiming to underpin exercise prescription with solid evidence.  Methods:  We conducted a thorough search across five databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, and Cochrane Library) for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that examine the impacts of Pilates on adult depression and sleep quality, including studies up to September 2024. The primary endpoints were changes in depression symptoms and sleep quality. We used Review Manager 5.4 and Stata 18 for statistical analysis, calculating effect sizes with standardized mean differences (SMD) and standard deviations (SD), with confidence intervals set at 95%. The quality of included studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk assessment tool.  Results:  This review included 19 studies with a total of 876 participants. All studies were deemed low risk. The meta-analysis demonstrated that Pilates training significantly reduces depression symptoms (SMD = -0.77; 95% CI: [-1.00, -0.53]; P <0.01) and improves sleep quality (SMD = -0.46; 95% CI: [-0.78, -0.14]; P <0.01).
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Richard N. Verdeflor, Emma Q. Tenedero, Abegail G. Bordios, Naneta M. Panit, Cesar Genoguin Espinosa
2024,9(12);    312 Views
Abstract Student engagement and interest are critical components of the learning process, as they directly influence students’ academic success and motivation. When students are engaged, they are more likely to actively participate in lessons, invest time and effort into their studies, and demonstrate perseverance in the face of challenges. Interest sparks curiosity and a desire to explore subjects further, helping students to connect emotionally and intellectually with the material. This paper explored the instructional management strategies that college mathematics teachers employ to encourage students to learn mathematics in classrooms. College teachers (n=16) were purposively sampled to be interviewed in this study. Narratives were collected and analyzed to extract recurring themes within their experiences. Findings indicated that students often demonstrated low interest in mathematics due to non-academic and emotional challenges, such as financial stress and mental health issues, which hindered their ability to focus and engage in the subject. Students exhibited low interest in mathematics, demonstrated through non-verbal cues such as slouching, avoiding eye contact, and disengaging from class discussions or group work. Teachers observed that having a supportive classroom environment, promoting open communication, and using interactive learning strategies, such as real-world applications and case studies, helped improve student participation and engagement. Recognizing the impact of social and emotional factors on learning, such as anxiety and depression, reflected the importance of establishing trust and strong teacher-student relationships to provide both academic and emotional support, which develops students’ motivation and self-confidence in mathematics. Nevertheless, addressing these challenges and incorporating active learning strategies could improve student engagement and learning outcomes in college mathematics.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Tsagay Tsagay, Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Kritcha Yawised
2024,9(12);    136 Views
Abstract The purpose of this research was to empirically determine the prominent risks faced by the production and manufacturing small-medium enterprises (SMEs) and how those risks impact firm performance in the SMEs in Bhutan. To achieve the objectives of the study, 15 SME owners/managers were interviewed using semi-structured interview method. With the help of R-based Qualitative Data Analysis (RQDA) package of R, the thematic analysis found five prominent risks being encountered by the SMEs. Corroborating with the extant literatures, this study found that almost all SMEs interviewed were doing well even during the unprecedented era of the COVID-19 pandemic and their owners possessed the personal entrepreneurial competencies, even though they lacked the enterprise risk management knowledge.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Cerilo A. Irinco
2024,9(12);    101 Views
Abstract This article studies research on sexual orientation and identity crisis among students during their formation journey, and to determine the support and guidance the participants needed in navigating their identity development. Identity formation is a crucial aspect of a learner's development, and it can be particularly challenging for individuals exploring their sexual orientation. Gathering 10 instructors working directly with 10 junior high school students from different public schools in Calbayog City, the purpose of this case study is to improve the resources available to students who are experiencing a sexual orientation identity crisis. Through an examination of a student's experiences grappling with their sexual orientation, this research offers valuable insights into the obstacles encountered by students. This article also suggests methods to enhance existing support networks of the participants with the help of their instructors. The results emphasize how crucial it is to establish welcoming and inclusive learning settings, offer specialized counseling services, and encourage awareness and comprehension among instructors. This case study highlights how important it is for teachers to take the initiative to meet the special needs of students who are struggling with their sexual orientation in order to improve their general well-being and academic performance. Recommendations for future research and interventions are discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Li Wang, Congjin Miao, Jun Wang
2024,9(12);    103 Views
Abstract In the field of higher education, the phenomenon of academic burnout, such as truancy, absenteeism, and apathy among college students, has become more and more obvious and has attracted the attention of educators and researchers. The causes of burnout are complex, covering individual psychology, social environment and education system. This study focuses on the influence of college students' psychological capital on academic burnout and its internal mechanism, in order to provide new perspectives to alleviate this phenomenon. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 538 students of a vocational undergraduate university in Hainan Province, and the mediating effect was examined using hierarchical regression analysis, which showed that: (1) college students' psychological capital has a significant negative effect on academic burnout; (2) college students' psychological capital has a significant positive effect on positive emotions; (3) positive emotions play a partial mediating role in the negative effect of college students' psychological capital on academic burnout. effect.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Javed Ali, Sarfaraz Ahmed Dakhan, Awais Gul Airij
2024,9(12);    87 Views
Abstract The current study aims at exploring the themes – patient safety and service quality from 2005 to 2021. It intends to identify the most prominent sources, authors, affiliations, countries, documents, words and trend topics. Total 566 records have been extracted from Scopus after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and analysed by using biblioshiny  software of R-package. Results of bibliometric analysis reveal the increasing trend of publications in ‘patient safety and service quality’ research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Franklin B.D, Imperial College London and United Kingdom are found to be the most productive and prominent among different sources, authors, affiliations and countries. Health worker, drug safety, nursing care, public hospital, qualitative analysis and controlled study are found to be the current trending topics. This study presents the deep analytics regarding patient safety and service quality and it also suggests valuable future research avenues and insights for researchers and practitioners.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Shuai Zhao, Bing Li, LiYa Guo
2024,9(12);    109 Views
Abstract This study investigated the relationship between psychological resilience and competition performance among elite taekwondo athletes under new rules. A sample of 120 athletes (65 males, 55 females) participated in a comprehensive assessment using the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-10), Taekwondo Performance Evaluation Scale (TPES), and salivary cortisol measurements. Performance was evaluated through both objective indicators (win-loss ratios, point differentials) and subjective coach ratings. Resilience scores showed significant positive correlations with win-loss ratios (r = 0.48, p < .001) and point differentials (r = 0.62, p < .001). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that resilience significantly predicted performance outcomes (β = 0.41, p < .001 for win-loss ratios; β = 0.53, p < .001 for point differentials) after controlling for demographic variables. A significant interaction between resilience and experience (β = 0.18, p < .05) suggested that the impact of resilience on performance increases with competitive experience. Comparative analysis demonstrated a stronger positive effect of resilience on performance under new rules compared to old rules (interaction effect: β = 0.24, p < .01). Additionally, pre- and post-competition salivary cortisol measurements showed higher reactivity under new rules (t(119) = 3.87, p < .001, d = 0.35), indicating increased psychological demands. These findings highlight the crucial role of psychological resilience in taekwondo performance, especially in adapting to rule changes. The study underscores the importance of incorporating resilience training into athletes' preparation programs and suggests directions for future research in combat sports psychology.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xuan Zhang, Kuan-Chun Tsai, Hu Gao
2024,9(12);    105 Views
Abstract Addressing the critical gap between hospitality education and industry demands, this study develops key capacity indicators for hotel management in Chinese vocational colleges from a social psychology perspective. A structured research method was adopted, and the evaluation indicators were determined using a literature review. The Modified Delphi Method (MDM) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used to refine the indicators and analyze their importance, respectively, to establish a hierarchical evaluation system. In both methods, we selected 15 experts to participate. Grounded in the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model and Competency-Based Education (CBE) theory, the study integrates social psychological constructs such as motivation, cultural adaptability, and interpersonal skills into the capacity indicators. Engaging hotel management and vocational education experts through MDM, the study results in a hierarchical system with 4 primary indicators, 10 secondary indicators, and 21 tertiary indicators. AHP assesses the relative importance of each indicator, highlighting the significance of social and environmental factors in shaping educational outcomes. This framework offers a robust foundation for teaching evaluation and improvement in vocational colleges, providing insights for developing skilled professionals who meet industry demands and enhancing the quality of vocational hotel management education in China through social psychological lenses.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Zhaoying Wang, Chuan Huat Ong, Zihe Liu
2024,9(12);    119 Views
Abstract This study continues the dialogue around sustainable consumption psychology and its effects on New Energy Vehicle repurchase intentions, depending on moderating gender differences. To achieve this, we employed sustainable consumption theories, social identity theory, and gender schema theory to formulate our conceptual framework, which we corroborated with the data of 527 NEV owners across Chinese cities in varying tiers. The outcomes indicate a substantial direct effect of sustainable consumption psychology on repurchase intention (β = 0.467, p < 0.001) with value perception acting as a mediator. The literature on sustainable consumption psychology identifies two variables, environmental awareness and social responsibility, which have differing outcomes according to the gender of the consumer. For instance, female consumers are motivated more by environmental awareness as compared to male consumers who relate more social responsibility to the buying intention (β = 0.328). Conversely, male consumers are motivated stronger to buy on social responsibility in comparison to female consumers (β = 0.376). Multi-group analysis also depicts significant differences between these relationships in demographic slices, with the greatest impact being the high-income, middle-aged, first-tier city dwellers. This insight not only enhances theoretical perspectives on sustainable buying behavior but also assists manufacturers, marketers, and policymakers in effective promotion of sustainable transport means. The research adds value to existing literature in sustainable consumption while also providing value on the ground with regard to NEV market creation, particularly on sustainability consumption with respect to gender and other demographic variables.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Elni Jeini Usoh, Damir Boras, Milos Judas
2024,9(12);    81 Views
Abstract Internationalisation plays a substantial role in the development of higher education. In order to anticipate all the globalisation challenges, higher education becomes a main source in producing university graduates who not only possess academic and professional capacities but also must be equipped with multilingual competence and intercultural understanding. This paper aims to explore the approaches for Internationalisation for higher education in Eastern Indonesia to improve the education quality. The study describes the level and approaches of internationalisation that can be adapted to prepare the university to fulfil some indicators of world-class University which lead to education quality improvement. This qualitative study used data from interviews, literature and relevant documents to insert the internationalisation elements in university strategic planning, to design Strategic Internationalisation Plan in higher education and to create a model of internationalisation approaches. Internationalisation needs to be implemented in the strategic focus plan of the university. The internationalisation awareness and commitments in higher education should be supported not only from government but also from upper management level and must be conducted in holistic way from all the components in higher education institution. The study provides a model of internationalisation approaches that could be adapted in higher education in Eastern Indonesia.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jinghui Yu, Rohaya Abdullah
2024,9(12);    78 Views
Abstract This study focuses on finding correlation between English listening motivation and the aspect of a specific environment of left-behind students at Chinese vocational schools. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods and uses quantitative surveys(N=428) together with qualitative interviews(N=48) in order to find out the factors motivating the learners to acquire listening skills pertaining English language. The findings show that environmentally school support M=3.42, SD=0.86 has more negative impact on family support M=2.87, SD=1.03 comparison of students’ learning motivation. Teacher support is positively associated with both intrinsic (r=0.62, p<.01) as well as extrinsic motivational factors (r=0.56, p<.01). From the longitudinal analysis it is observed that there is a gradual increase in extrinsic motivation over the academic year whereas a moderate increase of intrinsic motivation factors is observed. The works sheds light on the centrality of emotion and peer support in the context of the observed relationship between teacher support and motivation levels in general. Such findings shed light on the interplay of motivational contexts in language learning among left-behind children and have concrete recommendations for vocational schools’ corrective measures.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Daisy D. Lamorinas, Aubrey Jane B. Bulado, Mary Jane M. Lutian
2024,9(12);    857 Views
Abstract The decline in the use of the Filipino language can be attributed to various sociocultural, economic, and educational factors. There is an increase in preference for English, widely regarded as the global lingua franca and a key to career advancement and socioeconomic mobility. This is particularly pronounced among younger generations, who often perceive English as a marker of modernity, competence, and access to global opportunities. This paper examined how Filipino students adapted to the shifting focus on language use by developing and employing personal strategies for language preservation. Sixteen Filipino students were purposively selected as participants using an online open-ended questionnaire. Narratives were collected through one-on-one interview sessions, and recurring themes were identified and analyzed. The study found that learners who value preserving Filipino see it as essential to culture and identity, emphasizing its role in cultural perspective, expression, and unity. Students emphasized its role as a repository of the nation’s cultural heritage, safeguarding historical narratives, traditions, and identity. The language was also viewed as a vehicle for intellectual and creative expression, transcending utilitarian use to encourage national solidarity and bridge regional divides. Online advocacy involved creating Filipino-language content on social media, promoting its relevance in digital spaces, and fostering cultural pride. Traditional methods included consistent use within familial and academic contexts, sparking discussions about Filipino identity and encouraging intergenerational transmission. Students valued the Filipino language in cultural preservation, intellectual development, and social cohesion, emphasizing the importance of deliberate preservation strategies to ensure its continued vitality.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yuanbo Xue, Ooi Boon Keat
2024,9(12);    201 Views
Abstract Engineering innovation ability (EIA) is increasingly recognized as a vital skill set for students in higher vocational education, particularly in the context of Henan, China’s rapidly developing industrial landscape where over 150 institutions cater to more than 400,000 students annually. This review utilized content and narrative analysis to synthesize qualitative data from over 50 studies, investigating the social and environmental factors that influence the EIA of higher vocational students, addressing a gap in the literature by examining how educational strategies such as theoretical and practical teaching methodologies, internships and school-enterprise cooperations impact students’ innovation capabilities within social and teaching environments. This review revealed that theoretical teaching methodologies (TTM) provide essential foundational knowledge, while practical teaching methodologies (PTM) enhance problem-solving and hands-on skills through real-world applications. Internships (INT) emerged as a critical platform for bridging theoretical concepts with industry practices, fostering adaptability and practical innovation. School-enterprise cooperations (SEC) were found to support collaborative learning and align vocational training with industry needs, enhancing students’ readiness for employment and innovation. Innovation platforms were identified as a significant moderating factor, integrating industry challenges into education to amplify the effectiveness of teaching methodologies and collaborations. The findings also highlighted the limited use of data visualization in existing studies and the need for more comprehensive approaches to presenting qualitative insights, contributing to the growing discourse on engineering innovation and emphasize the importance of considering social dynamics and the teaching environment in fostering innovative talent in the region’s vocational institutions.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Devi Soumyaja, Fathimathul Bisriya V
2024,9(12);    146 Views
Abstract The intention to use a menstrual product is influenced by the socio-economic and cultural environment. The present study was done among reproductive college students in Kerala to understand the factors influencing the intention to use menstrual cups using the theory of planned behaviour. A survey was carried out among a sample of 1937 female students. The hypothesis was tested using multiple regression analysis. All the three factors of TPB namely, ATB, SN and PBC were found to have a positive and significant influence on the MCI. The study results could be used by the policymakers to implement initiatives to promote the use of menstrual cups. TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Chinese Simplified Hungarian Russian Chinese Traditional Indonesian Slovak Czech Italian Slovenian Danish Japanese Spanish Dutch Klingon Swedish English Korean Thai Estonian Latvian Turkish Finnish Lithuanian Ukrainian French Malay Urdu German Maltese Vietnamese Greek Norwegian Welsh Haitian Creole Persian   //   TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW Back EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster Portal Back // ORIGINAL: "; langMenu.appendChild(origLangDiv); LanguageMenu.Init('LanguageMenu', LanguageMenu_keys, LanguageMenu_values, LanguageMenu_callback, LanguageMenu_popupid); window["LanguageMenu"] = LanguageMenu; clearInterval(intervalId); } }, 1); // ]]>
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Randy M. Ayong
2024,9(12);    225 Views
Abstract Environment-based immersions provide students with firsthand exposure to the real-world challenges that communities face due to environmental degradation, allowing them to understand the social, economic, and ecological dimensions of conservation. Engaging in community-based initiatives helps students connect theoretical knowledge with practical application, reinforcing the relevance of their academic studies in addressing local environmental concerns. This paper explored how immersive experiences shape students' science-oriented advocacy, particularly in the context of environmental preservation. A purposive sample of 16 college students participated in the study, providing responses to open-ended online questions. The narratives from one-on-one interviews were analyzed, with a focus on identifying recurring themes related to students’ attitudes and actions towards environmental advocacy. The findings indicated that with hands-on experiences with real-world environmental issues, students felt empowered, realizing that their scientific knowledge could directly contribute to solving environmental challenges. Students expressed a heightened sense of capability and motivation, especially after seeing the tangible impacts of scientific research on local ecosystems and understanding the importance of their involvement in advocacy efforts. Engagement with communities affected by environmental degradation brought awareness of the social dimensions of these issues, encouraging a commitment to environmental justice and the recognition of the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. The learning experiences and community engagement were crucial in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical applications, encouraging learners to advocate for sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and the protection of biodiversity.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lizbeth G. Ringor, Lorena B. Tiana, Roselyn B. Delos Reyes
2024,9(12);    702 Views
Abstract The removal of the Filipino subject from the Philippine curriculum has sparked significant debate due to its implications for national identity, language preservation, and cultural heritage. This policy change stems from the shift in educational priorities driven by globalization and the integration of international standards, which emphasize proficiency in globally dominant languages like English. This paper explored the perceptions of Filipino teachers about the removal of the Filipino subject from senior high school (SHS) curriculum. A total of 76 secondary-level Filipino teachers were purposively selected based on the results of a preliminary open-ended survey. This paper analyzed responses from one-on-one interviews, identifying themes that highlight the impact of the removal of the subject on language usability and relatability. The findings revealed that the proposed removal of the Filipino subject from the Philippine curriculum raised significant concerns about its implications for cultural identity, language preservation, and education. Filipino teachers expressed apprehension that the exclusion of the subject could lead to language shift, wherein students increasingly prioritized English as a marker of success and global competitiveness, relegating Filipino to informal and limited contexts. Teachers highlighted that Filipino language and literature were essential for preserving the nation’s heritage, encouraging cultural pride, and maintaining linguistic diversity. Also, the removal of the subject could have accelerated language attrition, where students lost proficiency in Filipino, particularly in formal settings, further marginalizing its use. To address these challenges, it was essential for educators and administrators to implement strategies that promoted the use of the Filipino language across various academic contexts, ensured an effective integration of English proficiency and Filipino language preservation within the curriculum, and provided ongoing professional development for teachers. Such measures were vital to safeguarding the Filipino language and its role in shaping the nation’s cultural and linguistic identity
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Angeliki Tsapara, Panagiotis Plotas, Anastasios Giakoumis, Anastasios Kantanis, Nikolaos Trimmis, Philippos Gourzis, Eleni Jelastopulu
2024,9(12);    96 Views
Abstract Depression is the primary cause of psychological distress, particularly in a crisis like the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Primary healthcare structures don't seem to be able to identify and treat a sizable percentage of depressed individuals. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of undiagnosed depression in primary healthcare settings during the post-COVID-19 pandemic and its correlation with demographics and alcoholism. This cross-sectional study used the PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) to measure depression levels and the FAST (Fast Alcohol Screening Test) to assess alcoholism. A total of 212 individuals (86 males, aged 51.22 ± 6.11, and 126 females, aged 49.75 ± 6.22) who visited a Primary Health Center in Western Greece between May 2022 and September 2022 were included in the study. Findings revealed the occurrence of undetected depression in a percentage of 63.2% of cases. More specifically, 36.8% of the sample showed no depressive symptoms at all, 28.3% had mild depression, 18.4% had moderate depression, and 16.5% had severe depression. However, gender and alcoholism did not seem to influence the occurrence of depressive symptoms somehow. The results offer significant evidence regarding the prevalence of depression and its inadequate diagnosis in primary healthcare settings throughout the post-COVID-19 era. Based on the findings, general practitioners, mental health professionals, and the personnel of a Primary Health structure can use these questionnaires as screening tools for depression and alcoholism problems during patients’ visits. Future longitudinal studies might be conducted to examine the enduring psychological impacts of the pandemic and develop a depression awareness campaign within the context of primary healthcare.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xin Li
2024,9(12);    104 Views
Abstract Social media has become a critical environment for the proliferation of gender-based hate speech, deeply influenced by cultural norms and systemic inequalities. This study examines hate speech against women in China, Japan, and other Asian countries through a comparative case study approach, focusing on legal, cultural, and technological factors. Findings highlight inadequate legal protections, normalized misogyny, and weak platform governance as key contributors. Cases such as the “pink-haired girl” in China and Shiori Yamao in Japan demonstrate the psychological and social impacts of online hostility. The study calls for gender-sensitive policies, public awareness, and platform accountability to foster safer digital environments.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wagih Salama Mohamed salama, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Merhan Rizk Soliman Hanna, Ibrahim Mohamed Othman, Mohamed Ahmed Suliman, Nouran Saber Fahmy
2024,9(12);    447 Views
Abstract Leadership is vital in the hospitality industry, influencing employee performance, guest satisfaction, and overall success, but abusive leadership, marked by hostile verbal and non-verbal behavior, can severely damage employee performance. Therefore, this study utilized the Social Exchange Theory as a framework to explain how abusive leadership, social loafing, and anti-citizenship behavior are interconnected in the workplace. More specifically, this study attempts to examine the impact of abusive leadership (AL) on employee job performance (EJP). It also aims to explore the mediating roles of social loafing (SL) and team anti-citizenship behavior (TAB) in the relationship between AL and EJP. This research utilized the PLS-SEM method and collected data by questionnaire from 408 sampled employees working in five-star hotels and travel agencies in the Greater Cairo region in Egypt. The results show that abusive leadership significantly decreases employee job performance. In addition, abusive leadership significantly increases social loafing and team anti-citizenship behavior. Furthermore, EJP is negatively affected by SL and TAB. The results also confirm that SL and TAB significantly mediate the relationship between AL and EJP. This study enhances the application of Social Exchange Theory (SET) in workplaces, enhances understanding of AL, SL, and TAB's roles in Egyptian settings, and enriches existing theories in AL, SL, TAB, and EJP. This study also offers practical insights for scholars and professionals to enhance employee performance, thus gaining a competitive edge.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Joar V. Uy
2024,9(12);    212 Views
Abstract Trust in police enforcement is a fundamental element for maintaining public order, promoting community safety, and ensuring the legitimacy of law enforcement agencies. It develops positive relationships between the police and the community, encouraging cooperation and compliance with the law. When citizens trust the police, they are more likely to report crimes, provide useful information, and engage in lawful behavior, which enhances crime prevention and resolution efforts. This paper descriptively analyzed citizens’ trust towards police enforcement in Calbayog City, Philippines in terms of accountability, transparency, fairness, and community engagement. Participants were purposively sampled using online tools and categorized into three groups: ordinary citizens (n=150), barangay officials (n=50), and members of the police auxiliary unit (n=225). Findings indicated that the public trust towards the police enforcement in the city was generally high and positive, but the auxiliary unit consistently rated police performance more favorably than ordinary citizens or barangay officials. The police enforcement in Calbayog City, while demonstrating generally positive accountability, transparency, fairness, and community engagement, still needs considerable focus on further development. It is essential to prioritize efforts aimed at bridging the gap between the police and the community, with particular emphasis on enhancing transparency, fairness, and inclusivity. There was also a need to develop effective communication channels to connect to a larger public. Acknowledging and addressing historical issues, perhaps through public forums or community outreach programs, would demonstrate commitment to fairness and accountability. Such initiatives would contribute to the strengthening of public trust and cooperation, which facilitates more effective policing and the improvement of public safety.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Rao Bakhat Yawar, Selvan Perumal, Safwan Marwin Abdul Murad
2024,9(12);    85 Views
Abstract The effect of product variety on online impulse purchase intention in e-customers is a distinguished area of research within the domain of consumer behavior. The focus of current research is that, how the assortment of products available on online stores impact the possibility in creating the impulsive urge of buying in customers. The range of option in product categories can improve the shopping experiences as well as self-confidence of the customer. This state may trigger emotional responses such as excitement and curiosity, which can effectively drive towards creating an urge for impulse purchases. To make the research model complete and to obtain most humanistic results the current study has used hedonic motive as a mediator and made the research framework aligned with S.O.R theory. As this study is based on mediation model to observe the direct and indirect effect of Product Variety (PV) on online impulse purchase intention (OIPI), in addition, the hedonic motives (HM) indirect effect would be possible through mediating variable. For empirical analysis, the data collected from 115 respondents, which is analyzed by using SPSS software. The result suggested that product variety (PV) and hedonic motives (HM) both have strong correlations with online impulse purchase intention (OIPI), but Product Variety (PV) and hedonic motives (HM) have weak correlations among each other. It was also resulted that age, qualification, brand names, and age has no effect exploiting the urge of customers. It is concluded that all three hypotheses H1, H2, and H3 are proved.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Nicolas L. Faller
2024,9(12);    309 Views
Abstract E-government is an essential component in modernizing public administration and advancing the delivery of government services. The adoption of e-government systems encourages streamlined workflows, reducing procedural delays and mitigating human error, which in turn accelerates the processing of citizen requests and government transactions. As such, the integration of e-government in local government serves not only to enhance administrative performance but also to build public trust, strengthen institutional accountability, and support the long-term goals of social and economic development at the local level. This descriptive study gathered preliminary data regarding the implementation of e-governance in Eastern Visayas, Philippines based on three characteristics: political, social, and technical. Government office heads (n=70) and residents (n=285) were purposively sampled to participate in online survey.  The findings revealed that the implementation of e-governance in Eastern Visayas was generally regarded as successful, based on political, social, and technical characteristics. Political factors, particularly strong leadership, were identified as essential for establishing trust in digital systems. However, challenges related to unclear strategic planning and resistance to change indicated that clearer communication and well-defined strategies were necessary to mitigate uncertainty and strengthen stakeholder support. Social factors demonstrated that, while stakeholders acknowledged the value of e-governance and its integration into daily life, concerns regarding data security remained prevalent. Addressing these concerns through the implementation of robust security measures and transparent data management practices was deemed crucial for enhancing trust. Technical factors revealed positive perceptions of the availability of integrated systems yet concerns regarding the adequacy of skilled human resources and security vulnerabilities pointed to the need for continued training and technical support to further improve user confidence and encourage the broader acceptance of e-governance systems. Future directions for e-governance in Eastern Visayas should prioritize developing transparent strategic plans, engaging stakeholders early to mitigate resistance, strengthening data security and management systems, expanding ongoing technical training to address skill shortages, and encourage a culture of continuous improvement through feedback and evaluation to adapt systems to evolving public needs and ensure sustained success
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xin Mao, Zhongwu Li, Jiafu Su
2024,9(12);    71 Views
Abstract This paper takes destination information coverage, richness of evaluation content and construction of marketing image as independent variables, cognitive involvement and behavioral involvement as mediating variables, and tourism destination impression as dependent variables. This paper systematically discusses the multi-dimensional and multi-level relationships among destination information coverage, richness of evaluation content, construction of marketing image, cognitive involvement, behavioral involvement and tourism destination impression. This study provides theoretical support for the marketing strategies of emerging tourist destinations and emphasizes the importance of social image and consumer involvement in shaping the impression of tourist destinations. The research suggests that tourism managers should make full use of social imagery and emotional marketing strategies to enhance consumers' involvement, so as to enhance the market competitiveness and attractiveness of destinations.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lanie P. Plecerda
2024,9(12);    201 Views
Abstract The emergence of Generative AI (GenAI) in education marks a transformative shift in teaching, learning, and assessment practices. GenAI technologies have evolved from being simple conversational agents to highly advanced systems capable of generating human-like text, solving complex problems, assisting in creative writing, tutoring, and even providing personalized feedback to students. This paper explored the use of GenAI in education with emphasis on its implications towards academic integrity. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) college students (n=30) were purposively sampled to be interviewed regarding their experiences and perceptions about the use of GenAI in their program. Thematic analysis was carried out to identify emerging themes and assess the implications of GenAI use in education, particularly ICT learning processes. Students believed that GenAI offers significant benefits, such as personalized learning, assistance in creative writing, tutoring, coding, and grading, which enhance students’ learning experiences by providing instant feedback and helping them understand difficult concepts. Concerns about over-reliance on AI, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty have emerged, as some students use AI tools to bypass intellectual effort, raising questions about the authenticity of their work. ICT students expressed concerns about GenAI fostering cheating and undermining academic independence. Despite these issues, students remain optimistic about GenAI’s role in education, advocating for clear guidelines on its appropriate use to balance its benefits with the need for academic integrity. The integration of GenAI in educational settings necessitates careful management to ensure that it supports, rather than diminishes, the learning process.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lanie Pacadaljen
2024,9(12);    94 Views
Abstract Developing student interest in non-major science courses in higher education can be extremely difficult, particularly for students who do not identify as science majors. This study explores the challenges faced by non-science enthusiast learners in engaging with science courses, focusing on their perceptions and learning behaviors. Many students view science as difficult and disconnected from their daily lives, leading to decreased motivation and participation. The study aimed to identify the learning behaviors of these students and to determine effective teaching strategies to enhance their engagement. Qualitative data were collected through one-on-one interviews with 20 educators using purposive sampling, allowing for in-depth insights into their experiences with non-enthusiast learners. The findings revealed that students often displayed disengaged behaviors, such as distractibility and passive participation, which hinder their academic success. Effective teaching strategies identified included making science relatable to students’ everyday experiences, creating inclusive and supportive classroom environments, and employing engaging, interactive methods like hands-on activities and collaborative projects. Additionally, fostering emotional connections between educators and students was found to be crucial in enhancing interest and participation in science. Furthermore, future research should investigate the long-term impacts of these strategies to develop effective educational frameworks.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Trisha Keith S. Dagoy, Anneth I. Ariban, Jason V. Chavez, Benigno A. Garil, Sar-Ana Misuari Abdurasul, Magna Anissa A. Hayudini, Jurmina Haiber-Asari, Abdulmon-em H. Pawaki, Edwin M. Tantalie, Devie Ruth S. Alih, Rania D. Abduraup
2024,9(12);    142 Views
Abstract Teachers, beyond their conventional duties of lesson planning and assessment, play a pivotal role in shaping individuals holistically, fostering lasting development. Educators are instrumental in this role, extending beyond the classroom to facilitate learning in diverse settings, demanding a commitment that often exceeds regular working hours. The increasing administrative expectations raise concerns about their impact on teachers' well-being and effectiveness. This study involved eight diverse teacher which explored the complexities of balancing administrative roles and teaching. Qualitative analysis of their communication, especially through in-depth interviews, uncovers how teachers navigate these demands while upholding professional interests and ethical conduct. This qualitative, exploratory study aimed to reveal teachers' perspectives, values, and ethical considerations in managing both administrative and teaching responsibilities. The findings revealed that schools need to offer significant support for teachers balancing both administrative and teaching duties. Administrative tasks can positively impact teacher self-efficacy, but achieving a balance between efficiency and autonomy is crucial. Despite benefits like improved teaching and learning processes, teachers experience burnout and stress, highlighting the need for institutional support, workload management, and resources to facilitate effective teaching.
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