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Mapping of patient safety and service quality: Bibliometric analysis by using R package

Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Javed Ali, Sarfaraz Ahmed Dakhan, Awais Gul Airij

Article ID: 3020
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 32 (Abstract) 25 (PDF)


The current study aims at exploring the themes – patient safety and service quality from 2005 to 2021. It intends to identify the most prominent sources, authors, affiliations, countries, documents, words and trend topics. Total 566 records have been extracted from Scopus after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and analysed by using biblioshiny software of R-package. Results of bibliometric analysis reveal the increasing trend of publications in ‘patient safety and service quality’ research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Franklin B.D, Imperial College London and United Kingdom are found to be the most productive and prominent among different sources, authors, affiliations and countries. Health worker, drug safety, nursing care, public hospital, qualitative analysis and controlled study are found to be the current trending topics. This study presents the deep analytics regarding patient safety and service quality and it also suggests valuable future research avenues and insights for researchers and practitioners.


patient safety; service quality; bibliometric analysis; R studio; biblioshiny

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