Hurdling obstructions on instructional management of science teachers in schools with challenging laboratory resources
Vol 9, Issue 10, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 384 (Abstract) 104 (PDF)
Lacking the resources for hands-on scientific experimentation could impact both students' educational experiences and their long-term proficiency. Without access to laboratories, students miss out on crucial opportunities to engage in practical applications of theoretical concepts, hindering their ability to comprehend scientific principles fully. The purpose of this exploratory study was to analyze the experiences of science teachers (n=20) from last-mile schools in the Philippines. Narratives from science teachers were the primary data in this study being collected through one-on-one interview. Thematic analysis revealed that the science teachers were challenged by insufficient resources available in their laboratories while others conduct experiments only in their classrooms while having class. Adapting to their concerns, teachers were able to maintain their instructional competence through hands-on demonstrations, visual and audio-visual presentations, interactive activities, and printout instruction. For science teachers, addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from policymakers, educational institutions, and stakeholders to ensure equitable access to resources and professional development opportunities for teachers. The study emphasized the need for sustainable solutions to bridge the gap between resource-rich and resource-poor schools, ultimately enhancing students' educational experiences and long-term proficiency in science.
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