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The effects of childhood trauma and moral disengagement on the trait of callousness in college students

Gang Chen, Jiali Wang

Article ID: 3031
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 147 (Abstract) 90 (PDF)


This study explores the role of moral disengagement in the relationship between childhood trauma and callousness traits among adolescents, aiming to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and intervention of callousness traits among college students. A total of 865 students from three universities in Guangdong and Henan provinces were surveyed using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the moral disengagement Questionnaire, and the Inventory of callousness traits. The SPSS 19.0 software was utilized to construct a structural equation model elucidating the relationships among moral disengagement, childhood trauma, and callousness traits. The results indicated significant positive correlations among childhood trauma, moral disengagement, and callousness traits. Childhood trauma significantly predicted both moral disengagement and callousness traits, and moral disengagement significantly predicted callousness traits. Additionally, moral disengagement mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and callousness traits. Childhood trauma and moral disengagement emerged as risk factors for callousness traits, suggesting that reducing moral disengagement among individuals with childhood trauma could alleviate their callousness traits.


callousness; childhood trauma; mediating role; moral disengagement

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