The influence of green human resource management on environmental performance: Exploring the differential effects of green work engagement and moral reflection
Vol 9, Issue 10, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 921 (Abstract) 157 (PDF)
This study investigates the impact of the implementation of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) on the environmental performance of higher education institutions from the perspective of the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity (AMO) theory. A purposive sampling approach was employed to collect 670 questionnaires from the academic and administrative staff of higher education institutions in Thailand. The findings of the research demonstrate that GHRM enhances the environmental performance of higher education institutions. Moreover, GHRM contributes to this enhancement by positively influencing employees’ green work engagement, thereby improving the environmental performance of the institutions. Additionally, employees’ moral reflection positively moderates the relationship between GHRM and green work engagement. This study aspires to construct a holistic research framework, offering new practical and theoretical insights into GHRM, which, in turn, provides meaningful guidance for the sustainable development of global higher education institutions.
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