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Effects of brand visual identity on consumer attitude :A systematic literature review

Menguyao Yu, Sazrinee Zainal Abidin, Nazlina Shaari, Changhua He, Lijun Shi, Qianyu Liu

Article ID: 3041
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 2 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


Brand visual identity is a critical component of brand image and impacts consumers' brand perception and attitude. Although scholars and practitioners have increasingly researched brand visual identity, most focus on brand communication and corporate management perspectives, necessitating a systematic review of consumer attitudes based on brand visual identity elements. This study aims to review the impact of brand visual identity on consumer attitudes and provide directions for future research. We conducted a systematic search using PRISMA guidelines, reviewed relevant articles published in four databases (Web of Sciences, ProQuest, Scopus, and Elsevier) in the past two decades (2004-2024), and obtained 559 articles in May 2024. We conducted a thorough peer-review of both theoretical and empirical journal articles, followed by a scoping review. Thirty-four studies were eligible, analysing consumers' perceptions of various core elements of brand visual identity (BVI) (such as brand logo, colour, name, typography, and font), as well as the impact of brand visual identity on consumer attitudes and the practical implications of brand management. The results show that the consumption of visual identification elements affects consumers' perceived brand quality, brand personality, brand satisfaction, loyalty, favourability, and so on., as well as purchase intentions and social attitudes. In summary, the findings indicate that brand visual identity elements impact consumer perceptions and attitudes. However, despite some progress, further research is necessary to arrive at more definitive and robust conclusions.


Brand visual identity; visual identity elements; consumer perception; consumer attitude

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