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External green pressure, dynamic capability, and green innovation: The regulating effect of executive environmental attention
Xiaofang Lin
Krirk University
Wunhong Su
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Keywords: green innovation, external green pressure, green dynamic capability, executive environmental attention
Aiming to investigate the mediating effect of green dynamic capability on external green pressure and green innovation, as well as the moderating effect of executive environmental attention on external green pressure and green dynamic capability, this study preferred a theory model with five hypotheses. A valid sample of 357 interviewees was investigated to test the proposed hypotheses, and structural equation modeling was utilized. In addition, external green pressures mostly have a significant impact on green innovation, the green dynamic capability as a mediator. Also, executive environmental attention moderates the relationship between external green pressure and green dynamic capabilities. The results offer unique contributions to the literature and some suggestions for practicing in manufacturing enterprises.
Author Biography
Wunhong Su, Hangzhou Dianzi University
The professor of Hangzhou Dianzi University.References
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