The impact of workplace bullying on employees’ work withdrawal behavior and the significance of psychological safety in China’s multi-ethnic regions
Vol 9, Issue 10, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 592 (Abstract) 122 (PDF)
In China's multi-ethnic regions, the phenomenon of workplace bullying can be compared to a mental shackle, which inhibits the work enthusiasm of the bullied, makes the bullied feel depressed, frustrated, and other negative feelings, and makes many employees miserable. This study aimed to develop a correlation between workplace bullying, employees' work withdrawal behavior, and psychological safety in China's multi-ethnic regions. The data collection for this study primarily involved gathering information. through questionnaires from 357 employees within 42 Yunnan-listed enterprises in China's multi-ethnic regions. All statistical data, including frequency, proportion, average, and variability measures, were analyzed using a software tool designed to process statistical information. The finding indicated there exists a direct correlation amongst workplace bullying and employees' work withdrawal behavior in China's multi-ethnic regions. Incorporating psychological safety into the model, subsequent mediation effect testing reveals that there is a partial mediating role of psychological safety in the correlation among workplace bullying and employees' work withdrawal behavior. This research contributes to the existing theoretical investigation on the correlation among workplace bullying, employees' work withdrawal behavior, and their psychological safety in China's multi-ethnic regions. Additionally, it explores how psychological safety can mediate these effects. Furthermore, this study offers valuable insights for enterprises operating in China's multi-ethnic regions by providing practical strategies for human resource management and conflict reduction within organizations.
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