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The impact of breathing, perceptivity, imagination and creativity on oneness of mind and body in dance performance

Yayun Jiang, Nur Qasdina Jeeta Abdullah, Nordiana Nordin

Article ID: 3123
Vol 9, Issue 10, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1679 (Abstract) 82 (PDF)


Interest in the immersive expression of dancers in contemporary performances is growing, often relying on body knowledge and awareness. However, a noticeable gap exists in empirical research aimed at enhancing body awareness within the modern dance education system. The aim of this study is to investigate on the oneness of mind and body the influences of breathing, perceptivity, imagination, and creativity. Employing a quantitative research methodology, this study administered a questionnaire to 47 dance students at Hunan Women's University in Hunan Province, China. Regression studies carried out reveal a comparable positive and substantial association between creativity and the harmonization of mind and body as well as a positive and significant link between breathing and oneness of mind and body. Interestingly, the relationship between perceptivity, imagination, and the oneness of mind and body did not exhibit statistical significance. We posit that the lack of a significant relationship may be influenced by variables extending beyond the scope of dance, suggesting the need for deeper investigation in the future. These findings not only contribute to our knowledge of dance but also have practical implications for dancers, educators, and researchers in the field.


breathing; perceptivity; imagination; creativity; oneness of mind and body; dance performance

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