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Global perspectives of the formation of the environmental rights of children and youth to health and life

Sergii Boltivets, Olena Halushko, Tymur Honchar, Liudmyla Uralova, Oleksiy Honchar

Article ID: 3133
Vol 9, Issue 9, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 55 (Abstract) 30 (PDF)


The article presents an analysis of the reform of the legal system which is an urgent problem, which is the study of environmental rights of children and young people in the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen. The analysis of the legislative and psychological aspects of young people's environmental rights, the impact of these rights on the realization of the interests of environmental law subjects. These are the principles of a clean environment, the interdependence of peace and a clean environment, the credibility of environmental information, the participation of young people in environmental management, access to every young person, the responsibility of states and governments for environmental disasters, the overall responsibility of protecting and preserving ecosystems, deepening and developing international environmental law, sustainable development of societies, combined with environmental protection. The purpose of the article is to investigate and substantiate the global perspectives of the establishment of environmental rights of children and youth to their own health.The assigned research tasks were implemented by means of the application of general scientific and special methods of cognition. The most significant role in the study was played by the method of comparative legal analysis, since its application allowed for the comparison of legal norms in different fields of law. The system-functional method was used to review the process of legal culture management, and the logical-semantic method contributed to the generalization and classification of epistemological units to make sound proposals for improving the legal regulation of the legal culture management process of youth. Targeted samples were used to recruit participants to maximize age, experience and demographic differences. Common invitation emails were systematically sent during February-April 2020 to registered Facebook members, which included the range: 10 - 13, 14 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, 30 - 34, 25 - 40, 41 - 50, 51 years and older. After receiving an email in the form of a motivational commentary to the questionnaire, along with the questionnaire, the participants completed the online form by choosing from three options: yes, no, partially. The consent to this short online survey was from adults 18 and older in the form of a positive attitude to participating in the survey, which was expressed in filling out the questionnaire, as well as positive comments about it, to which the words “Well done”, “It important”, “We wish you success”, “Thank you”, etc., as well as signs: +, +++, V and others. Surveys of children and young people under the age of 18 were conducted with the consent of their parents or their substitute. The study of the problem of environmental rights of young people covers the interests of every nation and every person in the modern world, because saving the life of posterity – children and young people – is one of the basic ideas of all living beings on our planet about justice in the self-realization of the meaning of one's own life. The field of environmental law is now in the process of development and formation, which is to define its own subject field, categories, principles and its own methodology. This process is aimed at enhancing the environmental rights of those generations who inherit the planet Earth and who by their later birth than predatory environmental use by previous generations have not been able to influence the prevention of environmental damage and maintain living conditions acceptable to living organism’s life. In this way, the universally recognized right to life is embodied in the definition and justification of the special and special right of newborns to a safe and environmentally friendly life. An understanding of environmental law acquired at the present level requires consolidation in international and national law as a set of non-property human rights that determine its relationship with the environment and ensure its physical existence.


environmental rights; environmental law; children; youth; actors; principles; concepts; self-realization; environmentally friendly life; physical existence

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