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A reflection of financial stewardship in schools through fiscalizing behaviors of school heads in Samar, Philippines
Ma. Carol C. Fabrao
Sulopan Elementary School, Department of Education, Paranas, Samar, 6703, Philippines
Lanie M. Pacadaljen
Graduate School, Samar State University, Catbalogan City, Samar, 6700, Philippines
Keywords: education management, fiscal management, fiscalizing behaviors, leadership, school heads
Effective fiscal management enables school leaders to strategically allocate funds for critical needs such as instructional materials, infrastructure, and staff development, directly impacting the quality of education. Proper fiscal management also promotes transparency and accountability, develop trust among stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and the community. This paper developed a fiscal management model applicable to academic institutions in the Philippines. This paper analyzed the fiscalizing behaviors of school heads (n=738) from 26 districts of the Schools Division of Samar, during the School Year 2022-2023. They were asked about their fiscalizing behaviors in five constructs: budget planning, formal review and approval, implementing the budget, monitoring of fund, and fund communication. Their responses from open ended questions were used to design a model that represented the leadership-system-change interaction through thematic nodes. Findings indicated that the school heads exhibited generally positive fiscal management behaviors, particularly excelling in fund communication, budget planning, formal review, budget implementation, and fund monitoring, indicating strong adherence to sound financial practices. However, they face challenges such as resource sufficiency, not enough MOOE, depletion of funds,” and the urgent need of a building. Consequently, the model established the importance of collaborative leadership and strategic decision-making in school financial management. Strategic prioritization allows schools to allocate resources effectively, even in the face of challenges like budgetary shortfalls or unforeseen circumstances. Leadership behaviors can also be linked to the success of the fiscal management practices within their institutions.
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