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Preserving initiatives for the Filipino language: Analysis of language protection through personal efforts among Filipino students

Daisy D. Lamorinas, Aubrey Jane B. Bulado, Mary Jane M. Lutian

Article ID: 3230
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 619 (Abstract) 92 (PDF)


The decline in the use of the Filipino language can be attributed to various sociocultural, economic, and educational factors. There is an increase in preference for English, widely regarded as the global lingua franca and a key to career advancement and socioeconomic mobility. This is particularly pronounced among younger generations, who often perceive English as a marker of modernity, competence, and access to global opportunities. This paper examined how Filipino students adapted to the shifting focus on language use by developing and employing personal strategies for language preservation. Sixteen Filipino students were purposively selected as participants using an online open-ended questionnaire. Narratives were collected through one-on-one interview sessions, and recurring themes were identified and analyzed. The study found that learners who value preserving Filipino see it as essential to culture and identity, emphasizing its role in cultural perspective, expression, and unity. Students emphasized its role as a repository of the nation’s cultural heritage, safeguarding historical narratives, traditions, and identity. The language was also viewed as a vehicle for intellectual and creative expression, transcending utilitarian use to encourage national solidarity and bridge regional divides. Online advocacy involved creating Filipino-language content on social media, promoting its relevance in digital spaces, and fostering cultural pride. Traditional methods included consistent use within familial and academic contexts, sparking discussions about Filipino identity and encouraging intergenerational transmission. Students valued the Filipino language in cultural preservation, intellectual development, and social cohesion, emphasizing the importance of deliberate preservation strategies to ensure its continued vitality.


culture; Filipino language; language maintenance; language preservation; solidarity

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