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Environment-based immersions as catalysts for molding science-oriented advocacy: Lenses from higher education students

Randy M. Ayong

Article ID: 3234
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 200 (Abstract) 28 (PDF)


Environment-based immersions provide students with firsthand exposure to the real-world challenges that communities face due to environmental degradation, allowing them to understand the social, economic, and ecological dimensions of conservation. Engaging in community-based initiatives helps students connect theoretical knowledge with practical application, reinforcing the relevance of their academic studies in addressing local environmental concerns. This paper explored how immersive experiences shape students' science-oriented advocacy, particularly in the context of environmental preservation. A purposive sample of 16 college students participated in the study, providing responses to open-ended online questions. The narratives from one-on-one interviews were analyzed, with a focus on identifying recurring themes related to students’ attitudes and actions towards environmental advocacy. The findings indicated that with hands-on experiences with real-world environmental issues, students felt empowered, realizing that their scientific knowledge could directly contribute to solving environmental challenges. Students expressed a heightened sense of capability and motivation, especially after seeing the tangible impacts of scientific research on local ecosystems and understanding the importance of their involvement in advocacy efforts. Engagement with communities affected by environmental degradation brought awareness of the social dimensions of these issues, encouraging a commitment to environmental justice and the recognition of the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. The learning experiences and community engagement were crucial in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical applications, encouraging learners to advocate for sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and the protection of biodiversity.


environmental empowerment; environmental preservation; immersions; learning experience

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