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Exploring the intention to use menstrual cup through the framework of the theory of planned behaviour

Devi Soumyaja, Fathimathul Bisriya V

Article ID: 3242
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 139 (Abstract) 26 (PDF)


The intention to use a menstrual product is influenced by the socio-economic and cultural environment. The present study was done among reproductive college students in Kerala to understand the factors influencing the intention to use menstrual cups using the theory of planned behaviour. A survey was carried out among a sample of 1937 female students. The hypothesis was tested using multiple regression analysis. All the three factors of TPB namely, ATB, SN and PBC were found to have a positive and significant influence on the MCI. The study results could be used by the policymakers to implement initiatives to promote the use of menstrual cups.

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Sustainable menstruation; Menstrual cup; Theory of planned behaviour; Intention to use

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