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Destination information coverage, richness of evaluation content, construction of marketing image and tourism destination impression: mediating role of consumer involvement

Xin Mao, Zhongwu Li, Jiafu Su

Article ID: 3264
Vol 9, Issue 12, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 60 (Abstract) 28 (PDF)


This paper takes destination information coverage, richness of evaluation content and construction of marketing image as independent variables, cognitive involvement and behavioral involvement as mediating variables, and tourism destination impression as dependent variables. This paper systematically discusses the multi-dimensional and multi-level relationships among destination information coverage, richness of evaluation content, construction of marketing image, cognitive involvement, behavioral involvement and tourism destination impression. This study provides theoretical support for the marketing strategies of emerging tourist destinations and emphasizes the importance of social image and consumer involvement in shaping the impression of tourist destinations. The research suggests that tourism managers should make full use of social imagery and emotional marketing strategies to enhance consumers' involvement, so as to enhance the market competitiveness and attractiveness of destinations.


destination information coverage; richness of evaluation content; construction of marketing image; tourism destination impression

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