
Issue Title
Vol 8, No 2 (2023) A systematic literature review of the preferred organizational conflict management styles in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Aiman Awalluddin, Anisa Safiah Maznorbalia
Vol 9, No 8 (2024): Published Determinants of eco-homestay among young adults in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Wong Chee Hoo, Alex Hou Hong Ng, Ree Chan Ho, Zhu Ling, Manoch Prompanyo
Vol 9, No 5 (2024) Born this way or formed this way? Distal personality traits and proximal self-efficacy of Malaysian students and their academic performance Abstract  PDF
Seong-Yuen Toh, Fakhra Yasmin, Shehnaz Tehseen, Petra Poulova, Syed Arslan Haider, Elizabeth Andrews, Punitha Sinnappan, Rayhan Zaky Mahendra
Vol 8, No 2 (2023) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and education for Rohingya refugees in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Aizat Khairi, Ibrahim Ahmad, Suadi Zainal
Vol 9, No 8 (2024): Published Neuroticism, coping styles and psychological distress among frontliners during COVID-19 pandemic in Kelantan, Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Barath Chidambar Subramanian, Raishan Shafini Bakar, Aisyah Che Rahimi, Mohd Azhar Mohd Yasin
Vol 9, No 4 (2024) The foreign language students’ readiness for online learning in response to COVID-19: A case of Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Mohd Hafizul Ismail, Nurashikin Saaludin, Siti Nur Dina Haji Mohd Ali
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